import re import smtplib import time import unicodedata from email import charset, policy from email.encoders import encode_base64 from email.mime.base import MIMEBase from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart from email.mime.text import MIMEText from email.header import Header from email.utils import formatdate, formataddr, make_msgid, parseaddr from apistar import Component from .exc import MailUnicodeDecodeError, BadHeaderError charset.add_charset('utf-8', charset.SHORTEST, None, 'utf-8') def force_text(s, encoding='utf-8', errors='strict', ): if isinstance(s, str): return s try: if not isinstance(s, str): if isinstance(s, bytes): s = s.decode(encoding, errors) else: s = str(s) except UnicodeDecodeError as e: try: if not isinstance(s, Exception): raise MailUnicodeDecodeError(s, *e.args) else: s = ' '.join([force_text(arg, encoding, errors) for arg in s]) except UnicodeDecodeError as e: raise MailUnicodeDecodeError(s, *e.args) return s def sanitize_subject(subject, encoding='utf-8'): try: subject.encode('ascii') except UnicodeEncodeError: try: subject = Header(subject, encoding).encode() except UnicodeEncodeError: subject = Header(subject, 'utf-8').encode() return subject def sanitize_address(addr, encoding='utf-8'): if isinstance(addr, str): addr = parseaddr(force_text(addr)) nm, addr = addr try: nm = Header(nm, encoding).encode() except UnicodeEncodeError: nm = Header(nm, 'utf-8').encode() try: addr.encode('ascii') except UnicodeEncodeError: # IDN if '@' in addr: localpart, domain = addr.split('@', 1) localpart = Header(localpart, encoding).encode() domain = domain.encode('idna').decode('ascii') addr = '@'.join([localpart, domain]) else: addr = Header(addr, encoding).encode() return formataddr((nm, addr)) def sanitize_addresses(addresses, encoding='utf-8'): return map(lambda e: sanitize_address(e, encoding), addresses) def _has_newline(line): """Used by has_bad_header to check for \\r or \\n""" if line and ('\r' in line or '\n' in line): return True return False class Attachment: """Encapsulates file attachment information. :param filename: filename of attachment :param content_type: file mimetype :param data: the raw file data :param disposition: content-disposition (if any) :param headers: additional headers. Useful when HTML emails reference attached images """ def __init__(self, filename=None, content_type=None, data=None, disposition=None, headers=None): self.filename = filename self.content_type = content_type = data self.disposition = disposition or 'attachment' self.headers = headers or {} class Message: """Encapsulates an email message. :param subject: email subject header :param recipients: list of email addresses :param body: plain text message :param html: HTML message :param alts: A dict or an iterable to go through dict() that contains multipart alternatives :param sender: email sender address, or **MAIL_DEFAULT_SENDER** by default :param cc: CC list :param bcc: BCC list :param attachments: list of Attachment instances :param reply_to: reply-to address :param date: send date :param charset: message character set :param extra_headers: A dictionary of additional headers for the message :param mail_options: A list of ESMTP options to be used in MAIL FROM command :param rcpt_options: A list of ESMTP options to be used in RCPT commands :param ascii_attachments: A boolean used to force attachment file names to ascii """ def __init__(self, subject='', recipients=None, body=None, html=None, alts=None, sender=None, cc=None, bcc=None, attachments=None, reply_to=None, date=None, charset=None, extra_headers=None, mail_options=None, rcpt_options=None, ascii_attachments=False): if isinstance(sender, tuple): sender = "{} <{}>".format(*sender) self.recipients = recipients or [] self.subject = subject self.sender = sender self.reply_to = reply_to = cc or [] self.bcc = bcc or [] self.body = body self.alts = dict(alts or {}) self.html = html = date self.msgId = make_msgid() self.charset = charset self.extra_headers = extra_headers self.mail_options = mail_options or [] self.rcpt_options = rcpt_options or [] self.attachments = attachments or [] self.ascii_attachments = ascii_attachments @property def send_to(self): return set(self.recipients) | set(self.bcc or ()) | set( or ()) @property def html(self): return self.alts.get('html') @html.setter def html(self, value): if value is None: self.alts.pop('html', None) else: self.alts['html'] = value def _mimetext(self, text, subtype='plain'): """Creates a MIMEText object with the given subtype (default: 'plain') If the text is unicode, the utf-8 charset is used. """ charset = self.charset or 'utf-8' return MIMEText(text, _subtype=subtype, _charset=charset) def _message(self): """Creates the email""" encoding = self.charset or 'utf-8' attachments = self.attachments or [] if len(attachments) == 0 and not self.alts: # No html content and zero attachments means plain text msg = self._mimetext(self.body) elif len(attachments) > 0 and not self.alts: # No html and at least one attachment means multipart msg = MIMEMultipart() msg.attach(self._mimetext(self.body)) else: # Anything else msg = MIMEMultipart() alternative = MIMEMultipart('alternative') alternative.attach(self._mimetext(self.body, 'plain')) for mimetype, content in self.alts.items(): alternative.attach(self._mimetext(content, mimetype)) msg.attach(alternative) if self.subject: msg['Subject'] = sanitize_subject(force_text(self.subject), encoding) msg['From'] = sanitize_address(self.sender, encoding) msg['To'] = ', '.join(list(set(sanitize_addresses(self.recipients, encoding)))) msg['Date'] = formatdate(, localtime=True) # see RFC 5322 section 3.6.4. msg['Message-ID'] = self.msgId if msg['Cc'] = ', '.join(list(set(sanitize_addresses(, encoding)))) if self.reply_to: msg['Reply-To'] = sanitize_address(self.reply_to, encoding) if self.extra_headers: for k, v in self.extra_headers.items(): msg[k] = v SPACES = re.compile(r'[\s]+', re.UNICODE) for attachment in attachments: f = MIMEBase(*attachment.content_type.split('/')) f.set_payload( encode_base64(f) filename = attachment.filename if filename and self.ascii_attachments: # force filename to ascii filename = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', filename) filename = filename.encode('ascii', 'ignore').decode('ascii') filename = SPACES.sub(u' ', filename).strip() try: filename and filename.encode('ascii') except UnicodeEncodeError: filename = ('UTF8', '', filename) f.add_header('Content-Disposition', attachment.disposition, filename=filename) for key, value in attachment.headers.items(): f.add_header(key, value) msg.attach(f) msg.policy = policy.SMTP return msg def as_string(self): return self._message().as_string() def as_bytes(self): return self._message().as_bytes() def __str__(self): return self.as_string() def __bytes__(self): return self.as_bytes() def has_bad_headers(self): """Checks for bad headers i.e. newlines in subject, sender or recipients. RFC5322: Allows multiline CRLF with trailing whitespace (FWS) in headers """ headers = [self.sender, self.reply_to] + self.recipients for header in headers: if _has_newline(header): return True if self.subject: if _has_newline(self.subject): for linenum, line in enumerate(self.subject.split('\r\n')): if not line: return True if linenum > 0 and line[0] not in '\t ': return True if _has_newline(line): return True if len(line.strip()) == 0: return True return False def send(self, connection): """Verifies and sends the message.""" connection.send(self) def add_recipient(self, recipient): """Adds another recipient to the message. :param recipient: email address of recipient. """ self.recipients.append(recipient) def attach(self, filename=None, content_type=None, data=None, disposition=None, headers=None): """Adds an attachment to the message. :param filename: filename of attachment :param content_type: file mimetype :param data: the raw file data :param disposition: content-disposition (if any) :param headers: additional headers. Useful when HTML emails reference attached images """ self.attachments.append( Attachment(filename, content_type, data, disposition, headers)) class Connection: """Handles connection to host""" def __init__(self, mail): """ configure new connection :param mail: the application mail manager """ self.mail = mail def __enter__(self): if self.mail.mail_suppress_send: = None else: = self.configure_host() self.num_emails = 0 return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, tb): if def configure_host(self): if self.mail.mail_use_ssl: host = smtplib.SMTP_SSL(self.mail.mail_server, self.mail.mail_port) else: host = smtplib.SMTP(self.mail.mail_server, self.mail.mail_port) host.set_debuglevel(int(self.mail.mail_debug)) if self.mail.mail_use_tls: host.starttls() if self.mail.mail_user and self.mail.mail_password: host.login(self.mail.mail_user, self.mail.mail_password) return host def send(self, message, envelope_from=None): """Verifies and sends message. :param message: Message instance. :param envelope_from: Email address to be used in MAIL FROM command. """ assert message.send_to, "No recipients have been added" assert message.sender, ( "The message does not specify a sender and a default sender " "has not been configured") if message.has_bad_headers(): raise BadHeaderError if is None: = time.time() if not message.ascii_attachments and self.mail.mail_ascii_attachments: message.ascii_attachments = True if or message.sender), list(sanitize_addresses(message.send_to)), message.as_bytes(), message.mail_options, message.rcpt_options) self.num_emails += 1 if self.num_emails == self.mail.mail_max_emails: self.num_emails = 0 if = self.configure_host() def send_message(self, *args, **kwargs): """Shortcut for send(msg). Takes same arguments as Message constructor. """ self.send(Message(*args, **kwargs)) class Mail: """Manages email messaging""" def __init__(self, **mail_options): """ Configure a new Mail manager Args: mail_options: A components setting dictionary """ self.mail_server = mail_options.get('MAIL_SERVER', 'localhost') self.mail_user = mail_options.get('MAIL_USERNAME') self.mail_password = mail_options.get('MAIL_PASSWORD') self.mail_port = mail_options.get('MAIL_PORT', 25) self.mail_use_tls = mail_options.get('MAIL_USE_TLS', False) self.mail_use_ssl = mail_options.get('MAIL_USE_SSL', False) self.mail_default_sender = mail_options.get('MAIL_DEFAULT_SENDER') self.mail_debug = mail_options.get('MAIL_DEBUG', False) self.mail_max_emails = mail_options.get('MAIL_MAX_EMAILS') self.mail_suppress_send = mail_options.get('MAIL_SUPPRESS_SEND', False) self.mail_ascii_attachments = mail_options.get('MAIL_ASCII_ATTACHMENTS', False) def send(self, message): """ Sends a single message instance. If TESTING is True the message will not actually be sent. :param message: a Message instance. """ if message.sender is None: message.sender = self.mail_default_sender with self.connect() as connection: message.send(connection) def send_message(self, *args, **kwargs): """Shortcut for send(msg). Takes same arguments as Message constructor. """ self.send(Message(*args, **kwargs)) def connect(self): """Opens a connection to the mail host.""" return Connection(self) class MailComponent(Component): """A component that injects an instance of `Mail` for sending emails""" def __init__(self, **mail_options) -> None: self.mail = Mail(**mail_options) def resolve(self) -> Mail: return self.mail