from unittest.mock import Mock, patch
import pytest
from apitesting.services import get_todos, get_uncompleted_todos
def test_request_response():
with patch('apitesting.services.requests.get') as mock_get:
mock_get.return_value.ok = True
response = get_todos()
assert response is not None
def test_getting_todos_when_response_is_ok():
todos = [{
'userId': 1,
'id': 1,
'title': 'Make the bed',
'completed': False
with patch('apitesting.services.requests.get') as mock_get:
mock_get.return_value.ok = True
mock_get.return_value.json.return_value = todos
response = get_todos()
assert response is not None
assert response.json() == todos
def testing_getting_todos_when_response_is_not_ok():
with patch('apitesting.services.requests.get') as mock_get:
mock_get.return_value.ok = False
response = get_todos()
assert response is None
def test_getting_uncompleted_todos_when_todos_is_not_none():
todo1 = {
'userId': 1,
'id': 1,
'title': 'Make the bed',
'completed': False
todo2 = {
'userId': 1,
'id': 2,
'title': 'Walk the dog',
'completed': True
with patch('apitesting.services.get_todos') as mock_get_todos:
mock_get_todos.return_value = Mock()
mock_get_todos.return_value.json.return_value = [todo1, todo2]
uncompleted_todos = get_uncompleted_todos()
assert mock_get_todos.called
def testing_getting_uncompleted_todos_when_todos_is_none():
with patch('apitesting.services.get_todos') as mock_get_todos:
mock_get_todos.return_value = None
uncompleted_todos = get_uncompleted_todos()
assert mock_get_todos.called
assert uncompleted_todos == []