Update 'README.md'

More links
Drew Bednar 8 months ago
parent c844c878e4
commit 39c7184e57

@ -2,12 +2,23 @@
The awesome list of things.
## C Lang
- [A standard lib for C](https://github.com/gregoryc/standardlib): The missing standard lib for C.
- [Different ways to handle C Errors](https://mccue.dev/pages/7-27-22-c-errors)
## Golang
### Learning Go
- 🔥🌟🔥[Learn Go With Tests](https://quii.gitbook.io/learn-go-with-tests): One of the best ways in my opinion for anyone to learn Golang.
- [Implementing a B-Tree in Go](https://www.cloudcentric.dev/implementing-a-b-tree-in-go/)
- [Implementing a Skip-list in Go](https://www.cloudcentric.dev/implementing-a-skip-list-in-go/)
- [Building a WAL in Go](https://www.cloudcentric.dev/building-a-write-ahead-log-in-go/)
- [Building classic 2D games in Go](https://threedots.tech/post/making-games-in-go/)
### CLI Frameworks & Utilities
- [Bubble Tea](https://github.com/charmbracelet/bubbletea): A powerful little TUI framework.
- [Tablewriter]()
- 🌟[Bubble Tea](https://github.com/charmbracelet/bubbletea): A powerful little TUI framework.
- [Tablewriter](https://github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter) Simple ASCII Tables
### GUI Frameworks
@ -15,20 +26,52 @@ The awesome list of things.
- 🌟[Gioui](https://gioui.org/): Gio is an open source library for creating portable, immediate mode GUI programs for Android, iOS, Linux, Windows, macOS.
### Web Frameworks
- [Caddy](https://caddyserver.com/docs/): See also [this beginners tutorial](https://www.cloudcentric.dev/deploying-web-apps-with-caddy-a-beginners-guide/) on Caddy.
### Task Queues
- [River](https://github.com/riverqueue/river): Being built for Postgres, River encourages the use of the same database for application data and job queue. By enqueueing jobs transactionally along with other database changes, whole classes of distributed systems problems are avoided
## Python
### Learning
- [Making an MMO with Godot and Python](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA1tuaTAYPbHz8PvTWpFYGag0L6AdYgLH)
### Task Queues
- 🌟[Dramatiq](https://dramatiq.io/): Invented because Celery Sucks. Has all the functionality you want.
- [pg-queue](https://github.com/mattbillenstein/pg-queue): Simple task queue using Postgres listen/notify
## Embedded / Microcontollers
## Micropython
- [Debugging with JTAG](https://www.actuatedrobots.com/debugging-with-jtag/)
### Micropython
- [Pure Micropython Display Driver](https://blog.lvgl.io/2019-08-05/micropython-pure-display-driver): Micropython API to *any* C library! Walk through shows specifically how to add ILI9341 LED Display support to micropython using an existing C lib.
## CNC
- [MIT Fablab Speeds/Feeds Calculator](https://pub.pages.cba.mit.edu/feed_speeds/)
## Just Cool
- [100,000 nearby stars](https://stars.chromeexperiments.com/): An interactive 3D visualization of the stellar neighborhood, including over 100,000 nearby stars. Created for the Google Chrome web browser.
- [WikiHouse](https://www.wikihouse.cc/): WikiHouse is a modular building system that makes it easy to design, manufacture and assemble high-performance buildings.
- [DIY Automatic Tool Changer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dK3I27DcQj8&si=MlXvKqcI4CC2FPL9)
## Tools
- [Ventoy](https://github.com/ventoy/Ventoy): Ventoy is an open source tool to create bootable USB drive for ISO/WIM/IMG/VHD(x)/EFI files.
- [Headless Terminal](https://github.com/andyk/ht): wraps a binary for programmatically interacting with terminal apps. Useful for testing, turning a cli into a service, etc.
- [Filament HDL](https://filamenthdl.com/): Filament is a hardware description language (HDL) that uses types to ensure that your hardware pipelines are composed correctly
- [Classless CSS](https://github.com/dbohdan/classless-css): This is a list of classless CSS themes and frameworks. "Classless" means a style sheet does not define special classes you must add to your HTML elements to style these elements
- [Platte Generator for Tailwind](https://www.tints.dev/purple/A855F7): See the [blog post](https://www.simeongriggs.dev/using-the-tailwind-css-palette-generator-and-api) for how it works.
- [Flowblade](https://jliljebl.github.io/flowblade/) Flowblade is a multitrack non-linear video editor released under GPL3 license.
- 🔥[DevDoc](https://devdocs.io/): A browser based aggregator of API documentation. Also supports offline access. **Under rated. Need to use this more.**
- [Ansel](https://ansel.photos/en/) An opensource photo editor
- [Fusion 360 for Linux](https://github.com/cryinkfly/Autodesk-Fusion-360-for-Linux): Adapts Fusion 360 POSIX install for Linux
- [Meilisearch](https://www.meilisearch.com/docs) APIs for building search into sites and apps.
- [Dragonfly](https://github.com/dragonflydb/dragonfly): A Redis/Memcache alternative. 24k+ github stars?
- [Flexbox Froggy](https://flexboxfroggy.com/): A game for learning CSS flexbox
## RSS Readers / Feeds
@ -38,9 +81,38 @@ The awesome list of things.
- 🌟[Anki](https://apps.ankiweb.net/): Digital flash cards. Web app is free, mobile app is paided, but supports them.
## AI
- [Style TTS2](https://github.com/yl4579/StyleTTS2)
- [Piper](https://github.com/rhasspy/piper): Fast local TTS. Voices are trained with [VITS](https://github.com/jaywalnut310/vits/) and exported to the onnxruntime.
## Robotic Operating system
### Articles
- [Recording Robot Data](https://www.polymathrobotics.com/blog/recording-robot-data)
- [The math behind odometry](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxSK2NYtYJQ&feature=youtu.be)
## Articles
- [An animated introduction to Fourier Series](https://www.andreinc.net/2024/04/24/from-the-circle-to-epicycles): Super detailed explaination of Fourier Series.
- 🌟[The Notifier Pattern for Applications That Use Postgres](https://brandur.org/notifier)
- [Color Concepts 101]: https://developers.hp.com/system/files/Color_Concepts_101_0.pdf
- [Postgres as Queue](https://leontrolski.github.io/postgres-as-queue.html)
- [Color Concepts 101](https://developers.hp.com/system/files/Color_Concepts_101_0.pdf)
- [Hater's Guide to Kubernetes](https://paulbutler.org/2024/the-haters-guide-to-kubernetes/)
- [How I write HTTP services in Go after 13 years](https://grafana.com/blog/2024/02/09/how-i-write-http-services-in-go-after-13-years/)
- [How ELF binaries are organized](https://jvns.ca/blog/2014/09/06/how-to-read-an-executable/) Explores the ELF binary file format
- [Exploring Memtables](https://www.cloudcentric.dev/exploring-memtables/)
- [Things you are allowed to do](https://milan.cvitkovic.net/writing/things_youre_allowed_to_do/)
- [An automatic indexing system for Postgres](https://pganalyze.com/blog/automatic-indexing-system-postgres-pganalyze-indexing-engine)
- [The Many Problems of Celery](https://steve.dignam.xyz/2023/05/20/many-problems-with-celery/)
- [16 UI Design Rules that Make a Big Impact](https://www.adhamdannaway.com/blog/ui-design/16-ui-design-rules)
- [Deploying Pelican to Digital Ocean](https://djcurtis.me/deploying-pelican-static-blog-on-digital-ocean.html)
- [The self-hosting guide to all the things](https://github.com/mikeroyal/Self-Hosting-Guide)
- [Makefile tutor](https://github.com/clemedon/Makefile_tutor)
- [The defininitive guide to graph problems](https://www.giulianopertile.com/blog/the-definitive-guide-to-graph-problems/)
- [The bootstrapers guide to outside funding](https://microconf.com/the-bootstrappers-guide-to-outside-funding)
## Books
- [Postgres 14 Internals](https://edu.postgrespro.com/postgresql_internals-14_en.pdf) 548 pages of Postgres
- [Python Asyncio: The Complete Guide](https://superfastpython.com/python-asyncio/)
- [Elements of Robotics](https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/978-3-319-62533-1.pdf)