Create a virtual environment and activate it. Now from the root project directory run `./scripts/bootstrap`. This will install `pip-tools` and sync any dependencies for the first time.
It is helpful to have a clean virtualenv:
To run the app you will need a [postgres] database. Create a development and a test database. Update the connection strings within the `gears_api.settings.toml`. At this time, if you choose to, you can remove the demo `Todo` code and replace it with your own Model. Otherwise create your first [alembic] migration using the `alembic revision --autogenerate -m "your revision message"` command. Finally, apply your first migration with `alembic upgrade head`.
python -m venv gears_api_env
source gears_sockets_env/bin/activate
To run the app you will need a [postgres] database. Create a development and a test database. Update the connection strings within the `gears_api.settings.toml`. At this time, if you choose to, you can remove the demo `Todo` code and replace it with your own Model. Otherwise create your first [alembic] migration using the `alembic revision --autogenerate -m "your revision message"` command. Finally, apply your first migration with `alembic upgrade head`.
## Running the developement server
A `` script has been included with a collection of [click] cli functions to assist in development.