import sys
from invoke import Failure
from invoke import task
def serve_dev(c, debugger=True, reload=True, threads=True, port=8888, host=""):
"""Serves the htmx_contact.app locally"""
cmd = "flask --app=./ ./htmx_contact run"
cmd += " --debug" if debugger else ""
cmd += " --reload" if reload else ""
cmd += " --with-threads" if threads else ""
cmd += f" --host {host}" if host else ""
cmd += f" --port {port}" if port else ""
c.run(cmd, pty=True)
def test(c):
"""executes test suite"""
c.run("pytest -vvv --cov tests/", pty=True)
def lint(c, verbose=False):
"""Executes linter checks"""
exit_code = 0
c.run("echo 'Checking isort'")
c.run(f"isort {'-v' if verbose else ''} --check .", pty=True)
except Failure:
exit_code = 1
c.run("echo 'Lint check black'")
c.run(f"black {'-v' if verbose else ''} --check .", pty=True)
except Failure:
exit_code = 1
c.run("echo 'Lint check with ruff'")
c.run(f"ruff check {'-v' if verbose else ''} .", pty=True)
except Failure:
exit_code = 1
if exit_code:
c.run("echo 'ERROR: failed lint checks' >&2 ")
def delint(c):
"""Runs code formaters isort, black"""
c.run("isort .", pty=True)
c.run("black .", pty=True)