import os
from invoke import task
SPEECH_COLLECT_RESPOSITORY = os.environ.get("SPEECH_COLLECT_RESPOSITORY", "registry.runcible.io/speech-collect")
SPEECH_COLLECT_HELM_CHART_DIR = "./charts/speech-collect"
def serve(c):
"""Serves the speech-collect application locally."""
c.run("LITESTAR_APP=speech_collect.app:app litestar run --port 8888 --host --reload")
def update_deps(c):
"""Updates depenencies"""
c.run("pip-compile requirements.in", pty=True)
c.run("pip-compile dev-requirements.in", pty=True)
def sync_deps(c):
"""Syncs local dependencies"""
c.run("pip-sync requirements.txt dev-requirements.txt")
def build_image(c, dev=True):
"""Builds the speech-collect container image."""
context_dir = c.run("pwd", hide=True).stdout.strip()
commit_sha = c.run("git rev-parse --short HEAD", hide=True).stdout.strip()
f"docker build --build-arg='COMMIT_SHA={commit_sha}' -t speech-collect:{commit_sha}{'-dev' if dev else ''} {context_dir}"
def delint(c):
"""Applies automated linters to project"""
c.run("isort ./speech_collect ./tests ./tasks.py", pty=True)
c.run("black ./speech_collect ./tests ./tasks.py", pty=True)
def template_chart(c, values=None):
"""Templates the speech-collect Helm chart with an optional custom values.yaml"""
cmd = f"helm template {SPEECH_COLLECT_HELM_CHART_DIR}"
if values:
cmd += f" --values {values}"
def rebuild_chart(c):
"""Rebuilds the speech-collect helm chart"""
# c.run(f"helm dependency update --respository-config .charts/repositories.yaml {SPEECH_COLLECT_HELM_CHART_DIR}")
def package_chart(c, pre_release=None, destination="./build"):
"""Packages the speech-collect helm chart."""
# Helm requires a valid semantic version.
# See https://semver.org
chart_version = c.run(
f"helm show chart {SPEECH_COLLECT_HELM_CHART_DIR} | grep version | tail -1 | cut -d ':' -f2 | xargs"
if pre_release is not None:
chart_version = chart_version + str(pre_release)
c.run(f"helm package {SPEECH_COLLECT_HELM_CHART_DIR} --version {chart_version} --destination {destination}")