# Speech Collect ![build-status](https://drone.runcible.io/api/badges/androiddrew/speech-collect/status.svg) A speech collection tool for machine learning datasets ## First time setup Create a virtual environment and activate it. Now from the root project directory run `./scripts/bootstrap`. This will install `pip-tools` and sync any dependencies for the first time. ## Dependency management Dependencies are managed via [pip-tools]. ### Adding a dependency To add a dependency, edit `requirements.in` (or `dev-requirements.in` for dev dependencies) and add your dependency then run `pip-compile requirements.in`. ### Syncing dependencies Run `pip-sync requirements.txt dev_requirements.txt`. ## Testing Run the tests by invoking `py.test` in the project root. Make sure you run any pending migrations beforehand. ## Local Development Environment This project makes use of [kind](https://kind.sigs.k8s.io/) and [Tilt](https://tilt.dev/) as a local development environment. To ensure you have the system dependencies installed run: ```shell check-system-deps ``` Missing dependencies can be installed from their official sources (alternatively you can use [homebrew](https://brew.sh) for most): - [kubctl](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/#kubectl) | `brew install kubectl` - [helm docs](https://helm.sh/docs/intro/install/) | `brew install helm` - Docker running as non-root - [Docker Install](https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/ubuntu/) - [Docker Post Install Steps](https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/linux-postinstall/) - [kind installation](https://kind.sigs.k8s.io) | `brew install kind` - [ctlptl](https://github.com/tilt-dev/ctlptl) | `brew install tilt-dev/tap/ctlptl` - [python3.11 deadsnakes](https://launchpad.net/~deadsnakes/+archive/ubuntu/ppa) | `brew install python3.11` - [tilt bash download ](https://docs.tilt.dev/) | `brew install tilt` To start the local development environment and navigate to the : ```shell make start-local ```