"""ILI9341 demo (clear).""" from time import sleep, ticks_ms from ili9341 import Display, color565 from machine import Pin, SPI import gc valid_hlines = [1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 16, 20, 32, 40, 64, 80, 160] colors = { "RED": (255, 0, 0), "GREEN": (0, 255, 0), "BLUE": (0, 0, 255), "YELLOW": (255, 255, 0), "AQUA": (0, 255, 255), "MAROON": (128, 0, 0), "DARKGREEN": (0, 128, 0), "NAVY": (0, 0, 128), "TEAL": (0, 128, 128), "PURPLE": (128, 0, 128), "ORANGE": (255, 128, 0), "DEEP_PINK": (255, 0, 128), "CYAN": (128, 255, 255), } def test(): """Test code.""" # Baud rate of 40000000 seems about the max spi = SPI(1, baudrate=40000000, sck=Pin(14), mosi=Pin(13)) display = Display(spi, dc=Pin(4), cs=Pin(16), rst=Pin(17)) print('Clearing to black...') start = ticks_ms() display.clear() end = ticks_ms() print(f'Display cleared in {end - start} ms.') sleep(2) print('Clearing to white...') start = ticks_ms() display.clear(color565(255, 255, 255)) end = ticks_ms() print(f'Display cleared in {end - start} ms.') sleep(2) for hlines, (color, rgb) in zip(valid_hlines, colors.items()): gc.collect() print(f'Clearing display to {color}, hlines={hlines}...') try: start = ticks_ms() display.clear(hlines=hlines, color=color565(*rgb)) end = ticks_ms() print(f'Display cleared in {end - start} ms.') except Exception as e: print(e) sleep(1) sleep(5) display.cleanup() test()