# SSD1306 OLED 128x64 Display The ESP32 has two Hardware supported [SPI Buses](https://docs.micropython.org/en/latest/esp32/quickref.html#hardware-spi-bus). This project makes use of the VSPI Bus(id = 2) to drive the [Adafruit ssd1306 OLED Display](https://www.adafruit.com/product/326). ## PIN Outs | Channel | ESP32 | OLED | Comments | |---------|-----------------|-----------|---------------------------------| | MISO | | | Master in slave out. *Unused* | | MOSI | D23 : GPIO23 | Data | Master out slave in. | | SCK | D18 : GPIO18 | Clk | Clock. | | DC | D4 : GPIO4 | DC | | | CS | D5 : GPIO5 | CS | Chip select. | | RST | D2 : GPIO2 | Rst | Reset. | | V+ | 3v3 | Vin | | | GND | GND | Gnd | | # Usage The `SSD1306_SPI` driver has a simple interface. To clear the screen: ``` oled.fill(0) oled.show() ``` To invert colors: ``` oled.invert(True) ``` A `DisplayWriter` was added as a convenience to writing out messages to the OLED. Use this for printing text messages to the display. Newline characters will dwa ``` ```