5 years ago | |
basics | 5 years ago | |
kitchen_sink | 5 years ago | |
light_sensor | 5 years ago | |
neo_pixel_DHT | 5 years ago | |
ssd1306_oled | 5 years ago | |
threading | 5 years ago | |
.gitignore | 5 years ago | |
README.md | 6 years ago | |
requirements.in | 6 years ago | |
requirements.txt | 6 years ago |
MicroPython ESP8266
You will want to make sure you are installing the latest version of Micropython. Download the appropriate .bin for your chip and flash it to your board using the esptool. You will most likely need the UART driver
pip install esptool
Flashing your board
First be sure to erase the flash:
esptool.py -p /dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART erase_flash
Then you will need to write the flash to your board. Be sure to connect with an appropriate baud rate:
esptool.py --port /dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART --baud 115200 write_flash --flash_size=detect 0 esp8266-20170108-v1.8.7.bin
Connecting to your board
If you are using a mac just leverage the screen
screen /dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART 115200
This should connect you to the boards REPL
Connecting to the network
Code files
Micropython provides a "Virtual" filesystem for you code and collateral (config files etc.).
There are two files that you should take note of boot.py
and main.py
. The boot.py
file will be executed immediately as the interpreter is brought online. It is here that we can place code to connect to a network for example. The main.py
file should contain the entry point for your Micropython code. This will typically follow the same "Initialize" and enter "While Loop" pattern of code that you see if Arduinos
An excellent source for additional "Standard Library" like code can be found at Micropython-lib.
For shipping up code to you board I highly suggest using either the Pycharm Pluggin or the ampy modul e tool from adafruit.
ampy --help
ampy -p /dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART -b 115200 ls
See the basic directory within this project for more detailed usage of the ampy package.
MQTT on Hassio
Assuming you have Hassio installed (on a raspberry Pi3 for example). You will find the official MQTT broker documentation lacking in that small amount of detail that will get you up and running. This section is supposed to help take you that final mile.
The MQTT Broker
Let's start assuming you are going to use the downloadable MQTT broker from the add-on store. You will also want to have the configurator package installed too. Open up the configurator web-gui and find your /config/configuration.yaml
file and addc the following entry at the bottom of the file:
#MQTT Setup
port: 1883
This will ensure that your broker properly configured. Now just make sure that you set the Start on boot
to True in the addon details and restart your home-assistant.
An MQTT Sensor
Once again you may be a little confused by the official documentation for setting up an MQTT sensor. Assuming you are using the sample photoresitor light sensor that is included in this repo. Go back to your /config/configuration.yaml
and this entry:
#MQTT Light Sensor
sensor office_light:
- platform: mqtt
name: "Office Light"
unit_of_measurement: "No."
# Note your esp8266 will have a different MAC id. You can find the sensor's full topic path in the logs of the MQTT add-on
state_topic: "light/esp8266_aa00f800"
# Our json is a simple single value extracted with this jinja2 template
# More templating info can be found here https://www.home-assistant.io/docs/configuration/templating/#processing-incoming-data
value_template: "{{value_json.payload}}"
# Material design icons https://cdn.materialdesignicons.com/2.3.54/
icon: mdi:lightbulb-on-outline
This should create an MQTT sensor that you will find on your Overview homepage after you restart the Hassio server.
Testing your new topic
Let's assume you haven't built the ESP8266 sensor. You can still test your service through the Hassio Developer tools at http://hassio:8123/dev-service
. Select mqtt.publish
and just craft a simple payload. Once you call the service you should see the result in the Sensor's component on your Overview