# FastAPI and Celery Learning distributed task queues by doing. Since it's a greenfield project this also uses a newer async web framework. See: [Celery docs](https://celery-safwan.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html) ## Debugging Celery ### Check results in redis result backend ``` docker-compose exec redis sh redis-cli KEYS celery* MGET celery-task-meta- ``` ### Checking results in Flower Use the flower dashboard at: `` ### Eager Task Processing `CELERY_TASK_ALWAYS_EAGER: bool = True` will synchronously execute the celery tasks. This allows us to use things like `breakpoint()` to enter a debugger within the execution context of the task. Since the app currently uses the fastapi application config for celery config, add `CELERY_TASK_ALWAYS_EAGER=True` to the config class if needed. You don't need to run the worker, message broker, or result backend processes to debug your code. It will process the task within ### Using rdb in Docker Compose environment Celery ships with [an extension to pdb called rdb](https://docs.celeryq.dev/en/stable/userguide/debugging.html) that will allow for remote debugging using a tool like `telnet`. To use this with your dockerized app you must have `telnet` installed in your container or export the debug port on the container by setting `CELERY_RDB_PORT` in config and adjusting the compose file accordingly. By default the remote debugging is only available at localhost. It is possible to access this remote session on another host using `CELERY_RDB_HOST` also. Set the breakpoint like you would with pdb: ``` def foo(): from celery.contrib import rdb rdb.set_trace() ``` Run your dockerized environment ``` docker compose -d up docker compose -f logs ``` Trigger the execution path to the break point: ``` docker compose exec web bash python >> from main import app >> from project.users.tasks import divide >> divide.delay(1,2) ``` You will see a debug session with connection details displayed in the logs. Now you just need to connect to the remote session. Since this is running in a docker container that doesn't have the port exposed you will need to exec into the container and use telenet. ``` docker compose exec celery_work bash telenet >>(Pdb) >>(Pdb) help ``` It is also possible to set a [signal to enter a remote debugger](https://docs.celeryq.dev/en/stable/userguide/debugging.html#enabling-the-break-point-signal) using by sending a `SIGUSR2`. ``` CELERY_RDBSIG=1 celery worker -l INFO ``` ``` kill -USR2 ```