from fastapi import Depends, FastAPI from sqlalchemy import select from sqlmodel import Session from app.db import get_session, init_db from app.models import Song, SongCreate app = FastAPI() @app.on_event("startup") def on_startup(): """ It's worth noting that from app.models import Song is required. Without it, the song table will not be created. Kind of like how I have to do my flask sql alchemy models """ init_db() @app.get("/ping") async def pong(): return {"ping": "pong!"} @app.get("/songs", response_model=list[Song]) def get_songs(session: Session = Depends(get_session)): result = session.execute(select(Song)) songs = result.scalars().all() return [Song(, artist=song.artist, for song in songs]"/songs") def add_song(song: SongCreate, session: Session = Depends(get_session)): song = Song(, artist=song.artist) session.add(song) session.commit() session.refresh(song) return song