# Kubernetes up and Running ## Setting your kubeconfig To make it easier on you copy your kube config file to the root of this project and name it kubeconfig.conf. Then just remember to run source `scripts/profile` to start using the kubectl command. I am just setting the KUBECONFIG envar to the kubeconfig.conf file for the bash session. ## Accessing a pod from your laptop Portforwarding ``` kubectl port-forward <pod name> <port>:<pod_port> ``` ## Basic logging ``` kubectl logs <pod name> ``` Stream logs with `-f` ``` kubectl logs -f <pod name> ``` To view logs from the previous pod. Useful if the pod instances keep restarting. ``` kubectl logs --previous <pod_name> ``` ## Running commands in your container with exec One off commands ``` kubectl exec <pod name> <cmd> kubectl exec kuard date ``` Interactive sessions ``` kubectl exec -it <pod name> <cmd> ``` ## Copying files to and from a running container This is gnerally an anti-pattern. You should be treating the contents of a container as immutable. ``` kubectl cp <pod name>:<path> <host path> ``` ``` kubectl cp <host path> <pod name>:<path> ``` ## Demo app https://github.com/kubernetes-up-and-running/kuard Here is an example of using the cgroups access to limit container resources to 200mb of ram and 1G of swap. If these resources are exceed, which you can test with the kuard application, the container will be terminated. ``` docker run -d --name kuard -p 8080:8080 --memory 200m --memory-swap 1G docker1.runcible.io:5151/kuard:latest ``` If we wanted to limit cpu you could use ``` docker run -d --name kuard -p 8080:8080 --memory 200m --memory-swap 1G --cpu-shares 1024 docker1.runcible.io:5151/kuard:latest ``` ## Exposing a service ### Legacy (1.17?) way THIS APPARENTLY IS THE LEGACY WAY OF DOING IT. Start by creating a deployment ``` kubectl run alpaca-prod \ --image=gcr.io/kuar-demo/kuard-amd64:blue \ --replicas=3 \ --port=8080 \ --labels="ver=1,app=alpaca,env=prod" ``` Then expose the deployment with a Service ``` kubectl expose deployment alpaca-prod ``` Then check on your service ``` kubectl get services -o wide ``` Consider adding a readiness check to the deployment. This will be used by the service to only forward traffic to ready services. You can watch the endpoints used by the service (and watch containers removed from a service) with: ``` kubectl get endpoints alpaca-prod --watch ``` #### The new way Note: kubectl create deployment doesn't support `--labels=` keyword for some dumb fucking reason. Create the deployment ``` kubectl create deployment alpaca-prod \ --image=gcr.io/kuar-demo/kuard-amd64:blue \ --replicas=3 \ --port=8080 \ ``` Label it and the pods ``` kubectl label deployment env=prod ver=1 ``` ``` kubectl label pod --selector=app=alpaca-prod env=prod ver=1 ``` Expose the service while also defining the selector ``` kubectl expose deployment --type=NodePort --selector="app=alpaca-prod,ver=1,env=prod" ``` Then check on your service ``` kubectl get services -o wide ``` Consider adding a readiness check to the deployment. This will be used by the service to only forward traffic to ready services. You can watch the endpoints used by the service (and watch containers removed from a service) with: ``` kubectl get endpoints alpaca-prod --watch ``` ### Accessing the exposed service A cheap way in dev is just to use port forwarding ``` ALPACA_PROD=$(kubectl get pods -l app=alpaca -o jsonpath='{items[0].metadata.name}') kubectl port-forward $ALPACA_PROD 48858:8080 ``` Another potentially production capable alternative is to use a NopePort type. This will open a port on all workers that will forward traffic to the service. Option 1: Expose as NodePort ``` kubectl expose deployment --type=NodePort alpaca-prod ``` Option 2: Modify Service switching to NodePort ``` kubectl edit service alpaca-prod ``` change the `spec.type` field to NodePort and save. check the port it is being served under: ``` kubectl describe service alpaca-prod ``` ## LoadBalancer Services If the cloud environment supports it you should be able to edit the `spec.type` to us `LoadBalancer`. This builds on top of `NodePort` and your cloud provider create a new load balancerand direct it at nodes in your cluster. This should eventually assign an EXTERNAL-IP with a public IP(or hostname) assigned by the cloud vendor. ## Ingress Users must install thier own Ingress controller. Controllers are "Plugable". You can use a software(Nginx, Envoy), hardware(F5?), or cloud (ELB) load balancer as the Ingress controller. So Ingress is split into two sections: Ingress Spec - The set of objects you write. Ingress Controler - The component that acts on the spec objects. Generally needs to translate the spec into the expected config for the chosen controller. This book uses the [Contour(Envoy under the hood) project](https://projectcontour.io/getting-started/). I have elected to just use the comparable command found in the book. There are other options like an Operator and Helm chart. ``` kubectl apply -f https://projectcontour.io/quickstart/contour.yaml ``` I found the namespace with `kk get namespaces` which turned out to be `projectcontour`. ``` drewbednar@eisenhorn learn_k8s % kk get pods -n projectcontour NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE contour-7dd74cc485-sg9tv 1/1 Running 0 3m23s contour-7dd74cc485-t4j57 1/1 Running 0 3m23s contour-certgen-v1.16.0-jtnqg 0/1 Completed 0 3m24s envoy-762hj 2/2 Running 0 3m23s envoy-v5nt4 1/2 Running 0 3m23s ``` ``` drewbednar@eisenhorn learn_k8s % kk get -n projectcontour services NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE contour ClusterIP <none> 8001/TCP 4m15s envoy LoadBalancer <pending> 80:31325/TCP,443:31149/TCP 4m15s ``` ### Need a baremetal load balancer Well fuck looks like since I am on bare metal I don't have a Load Balancer type. [MetalLB](https://metallb.universe.tf/) is what DR uses so...I guess that's what I am going to implement. Following the instructions here https://metallb.universe.tf/installation/. ``` kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/metallb/metallb/v0.10.2/manifests/namespace.yaml kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/metallb/metallb/v0.10.2/manifests/metallb.yaml ``` This will give us a metalLB system in the namespace metallb-system that is not yet configured. There was a forum post [Unifi bgp config] that mentioned this but I think I am just going to use L2 config. Since my network is with subnet mask of and my DHCP range starts at I can set addresses in the block like so: ``` apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: namespace: metallb-system name: config data: config: | address-pools: - name: default protocol: layer2 addresses: - ``` ``` kubectl apply -f metallb-l2-config.yaml ``` and we can check on it ``` kubectl get configmap -n metallb-system config -o yaml ``` Finally we are back in business ``` drewbednar@eisenhorn networking % kk get services -n projectcontour NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE contour ClusterIP <none> 8001/TCP 163m envoy LoadBalancer 80:31325/TCP,443:31149/TCP 163m ``` ### Configuring DNS (or something close) Since I do not have DNS in my lab environment I achieve the same kind of routing to LoadBalancer using the /etc/host of my router on ``` alpaca.runcible.io bandicoot.runcible.io ``` ### Back to ingress In the networking folder we have `simple-ingress.yaml` ``` kubectl apply -f networking/simple-ingress.yaml ``` verified with ``` kubectl get ingress ``` In detail ``` kubectl describe ingress simple-ingress Warning: extensions/v1beta1 Ingress is deprecated in v1.14+, unavailable in v1.22+; use networking.k8s.io/v1 Ingress Name: simple-ingress Namespace: default Address: Default backend: alpaca:8080 (,, Rules: Host Path Backends ---- ---- -------- * * alpaca:8080 (,, Annotations: <none> Events: <none> ``` ## Using the Nginx Ingress Controller These instructions were modified from https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx/deploy/#bare-metal. The only thing I did was change the spec.type from NodePort to LoadBalancer. ``` curl -o networking/nginx-ingress-controller.yaml <url from above instructions> kubectl apply -f networking/nginx-ingress-controller.yaml ``` This creates all the objects in the manifest. We can verify: ``` kubectl get services --namespace ingress-nginx NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE ingress-nginx-controller LoadBalancer 80:31142/TCP,443:32269/TCP 2m43s ingress-nginx-controller-admission ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 2m43s ``` Seeing that Metallb did allocate dan External-IP in it's configured range to the ingress controller. ## Deleting the Nginx ingress controller Just in case you want to run a different ingress controller or scroch the earth on your current Nginx controller you can delete it like so. **Note**: You should double check with a `get` command before running `delete` on these. ``` kubectl delete namespace ingress-nginx kubectl delete clusterrole ingress-nginx ingress-nginx-admission kubectl delete clusterrolebinding ingress-nginx ingress-nginx-admission ``` # Appendix Restart all the pods in a namespace ``` kubectl -n {NAMESPACE} rollout restart deploy ``` Monitor it with ``` kubectl get -n {NAMESPACE} pods -w https://cloudowski.com/articles/a-recipe-for-on-prem-kubernetes/ https://metallb.universe.tf/ [unifi bgp config]: https://community.ui.com/questions/How-to-configure-BGP-routing-on-USG-Pro-4/ecdfecb5-a8f5-48a5-90da-cc68d054be11 ```