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16 lines
825 B
16 lines
825 B
5 years ago
#!/usr/bin/env bash
export MONGO_CA_CERT="${HOME}/certs/mongo_dev/mongod.crt"
export MONGO_PEM_CERT="${HOME}/certs/mongo_dev/mongod.pem"
restore_bookstore() {
mongorestore -u toor -p ${1} --authenticationDatabase 'admin' --ssl --host docker1 --sslCAFile ${MONGO_CA_CERT} --sslPEMKeyFile ${MONGO_PEM_CERT} --sslAllowInvalidCertificates --drop --db bookstore ./ data/bookstore
restore_dealership (){
mongorestore -u toor -p ${1} --authenticationDatabase 'admin' --ssl --host docker1 --sslCAFile ${MONGO_CA_CERT} --sslPEMKeyFile ${MONGO_PEM_CERT} --sslAllowInvalidCertificates --drop --db dealership ./data/de alership
mongo_dev_connect (){
mongo -u toor -p ${1} --authenticationDatabase 'admin' --ssl --host docker1 --sslCAFile ${MONGO_CA_CERT} --sslPEMKeyFile ${MONGO_PEM_CERT} --sslAllowInvalidCertificates