00:01 The shell is pretty nice and it's ubiquitous 00:03 and that you can run it anywhere, you ssh to and things like that, 00:07 so that really good, and this is more or less the tools 00:09 that MnongoDB ships, you could work on something else that's coming along 00:12 but there's a really great, better shell in my opinion 00:16 much, much better, I really love it, it's called Robomongo, 00:19 so we talked about Robomongo in the setup how we installed it and so on, 00:24 so let's see how it works and how it compares to the shell here. 00:28 So here it is, you can see it hanging out down there 00:31 and we click start, maybe it's empty let's go ahead and start from scratch, 00:35 so now if we open it up it's empty, let's create a connection, 00:38 I'll just call this local or whatever, 00:42 and it's going to default the local host 27017, 00:45 all this stuff turned off, things like that, and we'll just say save and connect 00:50 and now you can see, let's put these little more side by side, 00:53 you can see over here we have our bookstore or charge watcher and so on. 00:58 And now we have the benefit that we can open this up 01:02 we can look at the book, we could say explore the indexes 01:04 we could even go over and say edit this index and make changes, 01:08 make it unique, do some other things about sparseness and so on. 01:12 We'll talk more about that later. 01:15 Over here, we could say something like use bookstore and it switches there, 01:19 the equivalent over here would be something like right click and say open shell, 01:23 how interesting, so I know a lot of people prefer the command line interface 01:27 but what's really awesome about Robomongo is 01:31 you have the entire cli right here, so I could say something like 01:35 db.Book, notice the auto completion, book, publisher, user, auth, etc, 01:42 .what do you want to find, find and modify, find one, 01:44 let's find one where, what did we have before, we had something with the title 01:48 and let me go back and find the title we were using— 01:55 so here we can say title like this, and now if I run it, I get a result down here 02:03 and I can explore it, I can see the ratings and so on, 02:06 and this, you know if we run this over here, 02:08 I get I did the little projection, I could do that as well. 02:12 So I get this text version and I actually don't really love this too much, 02:15 so you can actually just switch it to the text version here as well, 02:18 and you get color coding, highlighting, all sorts of stuff. 02:22 You also get this version which is kind of a flat version, I never use this 02:27 but you can use it if you want. 02:29 What is really cool is I can come over here and say 02:31 I want to maybe edit this document, 02:36 if I come over and do a find, I think— 02:41 here I get three, now if I do a straight find, not a find one, 02:44 I can actually go and edit this, so if I wanted to change 02:46 the date that this was done on, so let's say 2011, 02:52 save, rerun this, this is one with so many ratings, 02:59 here, this is the one I changed, number 2, now it's 2011. 03:05 So of course I could run an update command, 03:08 but you can do all sorts of interesting sort of UI things 03:10 so I really really like using Robomongo, 03:12 because it's one hundred percent as capable as the shell 03:15 so for example, I could come over here, this is like just typing Mongo 03:19 you could create variables, I could say var page, 03:25 let's do something with a paging here, so I come and say this 03:27 now notice, this uses get collection and it doesn't use the .Book like this, 03:32 I think it does that because it gets better intellisense or auto completion, 03:36 not really sure, anyway, you can do it either way, they are equivalent. 03:41 Now, let's go over here and imagine we're going to do some paging, 03:45 so first of all, let's just select the titles 03:47 remember the thing I did with the projection, exactly the same thing here, 03:51 there we go, I forgot to rerun it, okay. 03:53 So rerun it, now we get just the titles, 03:56 there's "Classical Mythology", "Clara Callan" and "Decision in Normandy" and so on, 04:00 so suppose we want to do paging, 04:02 I'd basically want to show you that this is like a full Javascript shell 04:05 plus kind of an editor, so watch this, 04:07 so if I put some semi colons in here, I can type let's say var page size is three 04:12 var page num, like what number are we on, let's say were on page two, 04:17 than down here I could say ok, this is what I want to do, 04:20 and I could do skip and page to actually do the paging, 04:24 so I could say skip and we'll do what page num, minus one, times page size 04:30 that's how many we want to skip, 04:34 and then we want to limit it to page size like this 04:38 so now I should get, let's see, go back to the beginning, 04:41 three things per page, we're going to be on page two, 04:45 so it should be the Flu, the Mummies and the Kitchen God's Wife, and that's it. 04:52 Oh, by the way if you highlight something, it just runs that expression 04:56 which apparently evaluates the two, run the whole thing— 05:00 notice Flu, Mummies, Kitchen, so we can do this basically 05:03 as much as we want to type up here, 05:06 but it's also a little editor, I mean just in almost every way 05:08 this is better than the shell and I could even use this 05:13 to connect to my remote MongoDB server, using ssh tunneling, 05:16 again, we'll talk about those kinds of things 05:18 when we get to the deployment section 05:20 but for pretty much the rest of the course, we're going to be using Robomongo 05:24 because it's just better in every way in my opinion. 05:28 All right, and as you saw Robomongo installs 05:30 on Windows, Linux and MacOs, so it's all good.