00:01 Now let's begin by setting up MongoEngine, 00:03 there's a few start of the app kind of configuration things we need to do 00:06 in order to use MongoEngine, and then we just use 00:10 the classes and types throughout the app. 00:13 So what I want to do is I'm going to create a folder here 00:16 let's call it NoSQL, so we're going to put 00:18 a number of MongoEngine related things in here 00:22 and I don't want to call it MongoEngine because then it will conflict with the name 00:26 so, lacking creativity I'm calling it this, 00:29 now there's a couple of things we need to do 00:30 we need to set up the connections and then we need to define the classes, 00:34 this first part we're just going to set up the connection. 00:39 I'll create a module called Mongo setup, ok 00:43 so down here, let's define a function 00:49 called global init, we are going to call this function from outside. 00:53 Now, in real life later as we talk to like sort of the production stuff 00:57 we're going to want to pass in like the user name, the password, the server name 01:00 all sorts of stuff that you know maybe in a real app comes from 01:04 like a config file or the environment in a production server, something like that, 01:07 but for now we're just going to put this in here. 01:10 So to get started, we have to import MongoEngine, 01:14 we don't need PyMongo but MongoEngine we need. 01:16 And then down here, it's really simple what we need to do, 01:19 we're going to register a connection, 01:22 so we're not actually going to open the connection here, 01:24 this doesn't talk to the database, but it basically says 01:26 look if you have a class that maps 01:30 to a particular type or named part of our application 01:34 use this database connection to do the backend work. 01:37 So we're going to come down and say Mongoengine.register connection 01:40 and see it has alias name and then other, 01:42 and what comes with the other, the .... there 01:46 is like the connection string information 01:48 like server name, port name, host name, use ssl, replica set, all that kind of stuff. 01:52 Okay, so we're going to say, make it really explicit here 01:56 we're going to say alias, I was going to call this core 01:59 and I'll you what that means in a minute, so let's call this demo_dealership. 02:04 Now normally, I would probably just use dealership 02:07 but I already have that for something else 02:09 in a previous example, I kind of want to keep it around 02:12 so we're going to say demo_dealership, 02:16 there we go, and that's all we're going to need to do. 02:18 So the idea is here, we could have multiple things like analytics 02:22 it could be here, and this could be visits or whatever, 02:26 it could be mapping to another database assuming I spelled analytics correctly ; 02:31 so in our classes, we can say this class belongs in the core database, 02:34 whatever that happens to be configured as, 02:37 this one over here, happens to belong in the analytics database 02:40 and so I find it's really valuable if you've got like some core data 02:44 that are required to make your app run, 02:46 and then like huge amounts of extra analytical type data, 02:49 that if you lost, it's like oh well I'd rather have that data 02:52 but if for some reason I want to back up 02:54 let's say you've got 5 GB of analytic data and a 100 MB of core data, 02:59 you could run backups on the core server 03:02 much more frequently than the analytics one 03:04 and by partitioning them to different databases or even different servers 03:07 you can do a lot of cool tricks like that. 03:10 Alright, all that said, we're not doing that, 03:12 we're just going to have one database that we're calling core 03:15 so we're going to register this connection 03:17 and when we get to defining the classes 03:19 you'll see a place where we refer to the core connection, 03:21 that's what we've configured here, and it's going to default local host 03:25 default port everything like that. 03:27 Again, when we get to the using MongoDB in production, 03:30 we're going to talk about how to pass all the extra information you need 03:33 to use this for real, on another server, on another port, 03:36 with authentication, everything, 03:39 but for now, this is what we're going to do to set it up. 03:41 So let's go ahead and get started, using this, 03:43 let's go down here, and we've got our print header, 03:46 let's go ahead and do a config Mongo, 03:50 03:59 so it's easy enough to import, let's go up here at the top, our module, 04:03 04:09 so we'll just call it Mongo setup like this, and I'll just say global init 04:13 04:18 do a little pep8 formatting, and we're good to go, 04:20 and it thinks this is misspelled, no, just short alias for MongoDB. 04:25 Okay let's just run it to make sure everything is working, 04:29 alright, there is no real way to test it yet, but in a moment, we will, 04:32 so far everything worked, we configured our MongoDB connection, 04:35 next up, it's to actually think about modelling these cars 04:38 and owners and service, and all those kinds of things.