00:00 After you've inserted some documents and maybe updated a few, 00:03 it might be time to get rid of the old ones, so let's talk about deleting them . 00:06 So again, it's db.collection name. and we're going to apply delete operation. 00:11 And here we can say I'd like to delete one of them, 00:13 delete one, or maybe I want to delete a whole set of them, right, 00:18 the delete one we're passing in something that should be unique, 00:20 like the primary key, and delete many, maybe a bunch of them have the title, 00:23 maybe there is a couple of additions 00:25 like a kindle and a paperback version or something like that. 00:27 So just get rid of all of them with the title being some title. 00:30 So, delete one, delete many— pretty straightforward.