00:00 The ODM we're going to use for this course 00:01 is MongoEngine, and you can find it's homepage 00:04 and details about it, documentation and so on, 00:07 at MongoEngine.org. 00:08 So MongoEngine is open source like many things 00:11 you'll find in Python, as we said, 00:12 it depends upon PyMongo. 00:14 You saw us install it earlier, 00:16 we just did Pip install MongoEngine 00:18 and that installed PyMongo with it. 00:20 We did that through the requirements file 00:21 but you can do that directly if you prefer. 00:23 You can find MongoEngine on GitHub. 00:26 You can see that it's quite popular, 00:27 almost 2,000 stars. 00:29 This is much more popular that the other MongoDB ODMs, 00:33 as far as I can tell, looking at the other ones, 00:35 this is the definitely most popular, 00:37 at least, among the most popular of them, 00:39 and it's very actively under development. 00:41 I just took this screenshot right now 00:43 before I started recording here 00:45 to give you the latest version. 00:46 You can see that it's been updated in the last 24 hours, 00:50 and some other stuff under the actual code 00:53 has been updated in the last 21 hours, 00:56 so very active, this is important 00:57 for an open source project you're going to depend upon, 01:00 so I think you know, judging by that, 01:02 MongoEngine is the best choice, 01:03 and the API is excellent, 01:04 we're going to start working with it next.