00:00 We sound like querying the database 00:01 is pretty straightforward. 00:02 The way it works is we start 00:04 with the collection, 00:05 or the type that represents the collection, 00:07 we want to work with. 00:08 And then we say ".filter" 00:10 so here we're saying filter, 00:11 and we want to do a match, where the email 00:14 equals the value of the email variable. 00:16 And you could have more than one thing in here. 00:18 You could have more than one filter statement, 00:19 and those basically combine as an and. 00:23 Now this would return 00:25 potentially a bunch of owners, 00:26 but we don't want a bunch of owners. 00:29 We want the one that we know matches this email, 00:31 so we can say ".first" 00:32 and it'll give us the one, or at least the first, 00:34 item to match. 00:36 If there's no match, we get none back. 00:38 We don't get a crash or anything like that.