00:00 Now, sometimes you don't want a quality in your matches. 00:03 You want some kind of operator like greater than 00:05 or less than or in or things like that. 00:09 So here you can see, we're going to the cage 00:11 and we're finding all the cages 00:13 where the square meters is at least the minimum size. 00:16 So just like with subdocuments, we use the double underscore 00:19 and the operator name, GTE, here 00:22 to actually do this query. 00:24 There's a bunch of dollar operators. 00:25 You can find them in the MongoDB documentation, 00:27 and you apply all of them in this way. 00:31 Now, the other thing that we're looking at here 00:32 that we didn't do in our app is count. 00:35 So if we want to know how many cages there were, 00:37 we could say do the query.count, 00:39 and it'll just do a count in the database 00:41 rather than pull all the objects back 00:44 where you do a length of it or something like that.