# runcible-metabot A Keybase chat bot for use in Drone.io pipelines for notifications. ## Instructions There is an official Docker Image for Keybase clients https://hub.docker.com/r/keybaseio/client [New bot signup workflow](https://gist.github.com/androiddrew/df2e13d63dfd5b4e1d8f19c063ce6654) ## Docker ### Building and Pushing the image Run from the root directory ``` docker login https://registry.runcible.io docker build -f ./docker/Dockerfile -t registry.runcible.io/runcible-metabot: . docker push registry.runcible.io/runcible-metabot: ``` ### Running the container ``` docker run --rm -e KEYBASE_USERNAME="spoonbot" -e KEYBASE_PAPERKEY="$KEYBASE_PAPERKEY" -it runcible/runcible-metabot ``` ### Debugging the container You need to override the entrypoint script (`/usr/bin/entrypoint.sh`) with something else like just the bash bin. ``` docker run --rm -e KEYBASE_USERNAME="spoonbot" -e KEYBASE_PAPERKEY="$KEYBASE_PAPERKEY" -it --entrypoint=bash registry.runcible.io/runcible-metabot:0.0.1 ```