-- REOAD and RESTART -- -- As a superuser you can trigger a configuration reload with -- SELECT pg_reload_conf(); -- Some config(fundamental) changes require a restart. Use the cmd commands: -- `service postgresql- restart` -- `pg_ctl restart -D ` -- LOCATION OF CONFIG FILES -- SELECT name, setting FROM pg_settings WHERE category = 'File Locations'; -- CHECK postgresql.conf SETTINGS -- SELECT name, context, unit, setting, boot_val, reset_val FROM pg_settings WHERE name IN ('listen_addresses', 'deadlock_timeout', 'shared_buffers', 'effective_cache_size', 'work_mem', 'maintenance_work_mem') ORDER BY context, name; -- SHOW keyword -- We can use the SHOW sql command to display settings with a labeled results in a labeled SHOW ALL; -- Individual settings can also be shown SHOW work_mem; --ALTER postgresql.conf SETTINGS -- ALTER SYSTEM SET work_mem = '500MB';