Transcripts for first three chapters of MongoDB course.

Michael Kennedy 7 years ago
parent a181f444a3
commit 6c0f760eb3

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
00:01 Hello and welcome to MongoDB for Python developers.
00:04 Throughout this course, we're going to learn
00:07 how to connect, model for and build applications with MongoDB,
00:11 and we're going to do this with Python.
00:14 We're going to look at the straightforward, lowest level way of doing things
00:17 with PyMongo, and we're going to look at mapping classes
00:20 through what's called an ODM, think orm for Mongo;
00:24 an ODM to Mongo DB with Mongo Engine.
00:28 And these come together to make a great combination.
00:31 So let's begin by talking about document databases, how do they work?
00:35 Well document databases in some ways
00:38 are very much like standard relational databases,
00:40 they have what you would think of as columns in that relational world,
00:44 title, course id and duration in seconds here for example,
00:48 but it also has nested data, so in a relational database
00:51 we might have a lectures table that has
00:54 some kind of foreign key constraint back to a chapter
00:56 in this example we have on the screen here,
00:59 but in fact in a relational database, we can embed those lectures
01:02 inside of the chapter object, why is this good?
01:06 Well, often, we spend so much time and energy
01:09 building up an object hierarchy in our application
01:12 and then tearing that apart into a bunch of little pieces
01:15 what's called third normal form, basically normalizing our data
01:18 in a relational database and then building a backup, taking it back apart
01:22 and this object relational impedance mismatch
01:25 makes it hard for us to reason about our code,
01:28 it makes it a little bit less intuitive and so on.
01:31 So with document databases, we can model our data
01:34 the same way our application wants to use that data.
01:37 We also have more flexibility in the schema,
01:39 which means that deploying a new version of our application
01:43 often does not require some kind of migration script and downtime,
01:47 no, we just deploy the new version and the document database adapts to it.
01:51 So document databases in my opinion are the best way to build applications,
01:55 for the 80 percent case right, maybe you have some edge case
01:58 where that doesn't make a lot of sense
02:01 but most apps really benefit from using document databases.

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
00:01 Which one happens to be the most popular, the most widely used?
00:04 Well, you can guess, it's probably MongoDB, given this course, right.
00:07 However, you probably didn't guess how much more popular MongoDB is
00:13 relative to its other NoSQL friends.
00:17 So we've got CouchDB, this orange one,
00:19 which is way down there, and sort of not even trending;
00:22 well, we've got RavenDB which is basically not used,
00:25 Cassandra, which kind of peaked around 2016, is heading down.
00:29 We got MongoDB just much, much more popular than these,
00:34 if you want to experiment or play around with this data yourself,
00:36 you can check out the link at the bottom.
00:39 So MongoDB is really, really popular,
00:41 it's by far the most popular, widely used document database.
00:44 It's also really loved, so one of my favorite places
00:47 to get insight into to the developer community is Stack Overflow's yearly survey;
00:52 so on the 2017 yearly survey, you can see
00:56 MongoDB appears very high up the rank for most loved technology,
01:01 and if you look at the little description at the bottom,
01:03 this represents the number of developers
01:05 who are currently using the technology and really enjoy working with it.
01:09 So MongoDB is right up there, among all at the top.
01:12 Now, what about wanted?
01:15 In fact, MongoDB just dominates the wanted category,
01:17 so this is people who are not currently using MongoDB
01:20 or currently using whatever technology is listed here,
01:23 but they wish they were, right.
01:26 So MongoDB is definitely highly, highly desired
01:29 for the people who are not using it,
01:31 and very much loved by the people who are.

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00:00 So let's talk about what we're going to cover in this course.
00:03 We're going to start by getting your machine set up and ready to go.
00:07 It's important that you follow along in this course,
00:09 that you do the code examples, that you play with the database,
00:11 that's how we learn as developers.
00:14 So the first thing we are going to do is walk through
00:16 how to set up your operating system with MongoDB
00:18 and the various other tools that we'll talk about later.
00:21 Whether you're using MacOS, Windows or Linux,
00:23 we have a video that shows you how to set this up correctly on your machine.
00:27 Next, we'll dig into what is NoSQL, why do we want to use it,
00:31 what are document databases, I touched a little bit on this in the beginning,
00:35 but we'll go deep into document databases, how they work,
00:37 and the trade-offs and benefits that we get from them.
00:41 We'll then start work with MongoDB proper,
00:43 we're going to fire up MongoDB
00:45 and we're going to connect to it with its native shell
00:47 and understand its low level native query syntax.
00:50 If this was a relational database, this would be kind of like studying SQL,
00:54 the TSQL language, but MongoDB doesn't use SQL,
00:58 it uses its own query language
01:00 which is easily understandable, but it is not the same.
01:03 Now this is actually going to be in Javascript for the most part;
01:06 you might be thinking this is a Python course, I don't want to learn Javascript.
01:09 Well, for the most part we're going to write our code in Python
01:13 and we're not going to do anything in Javascript,
01:15 but you need to understand how the query syntax
01:18 of the various tools and libraries in Python ultimately map down
01:22 to what you could work with in the management tools,
01:25 and in the management tools it's Javascript in the native query syntax.
01:29 We'll make sure that we cover that really well here as a great foundation.
01:32 Next up, we're going to talk about modeling data
01:36 with documents rather than tables.
01:40 You may have heard of third normal form
01:41 and modeling through normalizing data in a relational database
01:45 and to some degree, that knowledge carries forward into document databases,
01:49 but there are certainly many other trade-offs
01:52 and different types of modeling scenarios that you want to follow,
01:56 you certainly don't want to just normalize your document database
01:59 you'd be missing all of the benefits and getting some of the drawbacks potentially.
02:03 So we'll see that in document databases in general,
02:06 in MongoDB in particular, you model your data a little bit differently
02:10 and have different trade-offs and considerations, and we'll talk about that here.
02:14 At this point, it's time to start writing the code with Python.
02:16 So we will begin at the primary lowest level
02:19 that we can work with MongoDB, and this is PyMongo.
02:23 So here we're going to work in a query language
02:26 that is very, very similar to MongoDB's native Javascript language
02:31 but we're going to do it from Python, and this works great,
02:34 basically you're exchanging dictionaries and it's very fast and efficient.
02:38 However, sometimes it makes a lot more sense
02:40 to not just pass loosely typed dictionaries around
02:44 but rather rich classes with lots of functionality and structure.
02:48 So we're going to also talk about MongoEngine
02:51 which is an ODM, object document mapper for MongoDB;
02:56 think of this as an ORM, but because there is no relational bit,
02:59 it's not a relational database, we call it document.
03:02 So ODM for MongoDB and MongoEngine is one of the best ones,
03:07 it works really well in Python 3 and Python 2,
03:10 it has a whole bunch of features and different things
03:13 you can add to your application
03:15 on top of what MongoDB the database itself provides,
03:18 for example like type checking, things like that,
03:21 so really, really nice and you'll see that MongoEngine
03:23 is a great addition to what you might be doing.
03:26 Once we get the programming side in place
03:28 we want to take our database and add tons of data to it,
03:31 so we're going to take a simple example that we were playing with before
03:34 and add something that has effectively millions or at least million records in it
03:39 and then we're going to start interacting with it from MongoEngine,
03:42 just as well it could have been PyMongo, right,
03:45 we're going to start interacting with this database with lots of data
03:47 and see that it doesn't perform quite as well as we hoped,
03:50 maybe as well as all the hype around
03:53 MongoDB being fast would make you expect.
03:56 So we're going to see that we can take this server
03:59 and it's kind of ok on its own, if we left it alone
04:01 and we'll make it like five hundred times faster for some totally reasonable operations
04:05 so we're going to talk about the various knobs and tools
04:08 we have to make MongoDB really fast.
04:10 They're not hard to do, but they are not automatic
04:13 so you definitely want to learn about those.
04:15 And finally, we're going to take all of what we've learned
04:18 and deploy it into a cloud multi server environment
04:22 so we are going to create what would be a fake web app,
04:25 we'll just have a little Python script that stands in for the web app,
04:28 put that on one server up in a cloud computing environment,
04:30 on another one, we're going to set up a production hardened MongoDB server
04:35 and we're going to make sure that MongoDB production server
04:38 is totally locked down, running as safe as possible.
04:42 There are a lot of non obvious things about running MongoDB in production
04:46 and we want to make sure that it's working really well for us,
04:50 so we're going to go through this section and do five or six different things
04:53 to get MongoDB ready to be our production database.
04:57 And that's it, this is what we cover the course,
04:59 I think it's a really comprehensive introduction to MongoDB from Python,
05:04 and I really hope you enjoy it, I really enjoyed creating it for you.

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00:01 So let's talk a little bit about the tools that we're going to use.
00:03 We talked about Python, PyMongo and MongoEngine
00:06 as the programming language;
00:08 obviously we're going to use MongoDb as the database,
00:10 but we also learn a few other things during this course.
00:12 You'll learn about a management tool called Robomongo.
00:15 Robomongo is hands down the best way to work with MongoDB
00:20 from the client side, it gives you all the power
00:24 of the command line interface that comes with MongoDB,
00:26 but a great GUI kind of wrapped around it,
00:29 that's all I am going to say about it now,
00:31 but it's really fabulous and I think you'll enjoy.
00:33 Well see that we can even use Robomongo
00:35 to manage securely our production environment on a remote server.
00:39 We're going to be using PyCharm as the ide for editing all of our Python code,
00:45 so you'll learn a whole bunch of things about PyCharm,
00:47 if you don't want to use PyCharm, and you want to use
00:49 Sublime Text, or Emacs, or whatever, it's totally fine,
00:51 but we're going to be using PyCharm
00:54 and it's really great, I'll show you many of the tricks and techniques,
00:56 and there are just better ways of using it.
00:59 And finally, when we get to our deployment step
01:01 we're going to be working with Ubuntu,
01:03 and you'll learn how to set up MongoDB properly
01:06 in a production environment on Ubuntu.

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
00:01 You might be wondering, hey who is this guy talking to me anyway?
00:03 Here I am, hi nice to meet you, my name is Michael,
00:05 you can find me on Twitter where I'm @mkennedy
00:08 and just a little bit of my background;
00:10 so I run the Talk Python To Me podcast
00:12 as well as I am the founder and I've written many of the courses
00:16 at Talk Python Training, for example this one.
00:19 And I'm even in the MongoDB Masters program
00:22 which is a group of about 30 people who are external advisers to MongoDB,
00:28 who work pretty closely with the teams there and give them feedback
00:33 on how MongoDB is working in the real world, in our environments.
00:36 So I hope to bundle up all of this experience and package it into this course,
00:41 and really give you some great take aways.
00:44 I'm so happy you joined my course,
00:46 I'm looking forward to teaching you a bunch of stuff— let's get started.

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
00:01 Let's begin our exploration of MongoDB at a high level
00:04 with the why and history of NoSQL in general.
00:08 So if you look around the software development landscape
00:11 you'll see that people when they talk about
00:13 how are we going to design our application frequently say
00:15 well let's assume that we have a relational database,
00:18 now we can discuss what type of ORM should we use,
00:22 or should we use an ORM at all,
00:24 or should we use micro services or things like this.
00:26 Basically, the fact that we're starting from a relational database
00:29 is considered to be an axiom of software development,
00:33 we have data, it goes into relational database
00:35 now let's talk about the architecture, now let's talk about scaling,
00:38 let's talk about performance and so on.
00:40 And just to drive home how strong of a statement that is,
00:42 an axiom, recall the exact definition—
00:45 a statement or proposition that is regarded as being self evidently true,
00:49 it's just clear that you start from a relational database.
00:52 So what are the things I hope you take away from this course is
00:55 that the database style, the database engine is a choice,
01:00 it's a really important choice that has actually super important
01:04 and far reaching implication for your application.
01:06 So I want to sort of break this mold
01:09 that starting from a relational database is an axiom.
01:12 Sometimes it makes sense, sometimes it's perfect,
01:15 but a lot of times as you'll see throughout this course
01:17 starting with a document database is actually a better choice.
01:20 Now, what is NoSQL? Ask five people what NoSQL is,
01:24 you'll probably get five different answers back.
01:26 Some people will say, well the 'no' stands for 'not only'
01:31 so NoSQL is 'not only SQL',
01:34 well that's a great open minded view of the world,
01:37 but I'm sorry to say that's not what NoSQL is.
01:40 Maybe it means it doesn't have SQL,
01:44 maybe it means the system operates without the SQL language, right,
01:47 without select * from this etc, without that language.
01:51 If we look at the history, I think you'll see that this is also not the case.
01:55 Here's a toaster, this toaster operates without SQL,
01:58 is it a NoSQL toaster— I don't think so!
02:01 And of course not, it's not a NoSQL toaster, it's just a toaster.
02:05 NoSQL doesn't mean it operates without the SQL query language
02:08 in fact, I believe that document DB, Microsoft's document database
02:13 that runs in Azure, actually more or less uses
02:16 a flavor of the SQL query language to query it.
02:19 So no, it's not about excluding this SQL query language,
02:22 it's something entirely different, so let's next look at the history,
02:26 and I think you'll have a really good idea of what NoSQL is
02:29 and maybe it will come to a little bit closer agreement on the definition of NoSQL.

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
00:01 The first record of what you might consider modern day NoSQL,
00:05 there were some older versions much, much older
00:08 about object databases that don't really carry on through today;
00:12 but what we think of when we talk about NoSQL today
00:15 really started back 2009 in San Francisco.
00:18 So this guy Johan Oskarsson, who at the time was working at
00:23 was getting together like a big data/ scaling databases
00:27 type of meetup in San Francisco, and the idea was
00:31 we're going to talk about open source databases,
00:34 distributed databases, that is databases that are easily horizontally scalable,
00:39 and that might not be traditionally relational.
00:42 This description here on the right actually comes from Wikipedia,
00:46 the name itself, the actual NoSQL, the word,
00:50 I don't believe it's here, but it was in a previous accounting, it's not in Wikipedia,
00:55 which if I could find the reference, I should go back and edit it,
00:59 is there's another guy named Eric Evans
01:02 who was attending this meeting as well
01:05 and Johan said hey what are we going to call this meeting
01:07 like we do have a name for these types of groups,
01:09 this type of thing that we're doing, and let's try to get something short,
01:12 like say a hashtag that we can use on Twitter to talk about it;
01:16 So Eric Evans said how about #NoSQL, right,
01:19 and that is the origin of the modern day term.
01:22 And the idea was, it was meant to describe this group of people
01:26 mostly running web apps with lots of data,
01:29 with high performance implications, or requirements,
01:32 getting together to talk about how can we give up
01:34 some of the features of relational databases to enable other types of things,
01:39 so maybe we'll give up atomicity, the acid properties,
01:43 maybe we'll give up joins, maybe we'll give up transactions, things like that,
01:48 and if we do that, how do we maybe structure our data differently,
01:51 how do we structure our databases differently,
01:54 to be better at basically being cluster friendly.
01:57 Alright, so to me, this is the idea of what a NoSQL database is,
02:02 it's a database that gives up some of the relational
02:05 database features or requirements or properties,
02:08 so that it is more cluster friendly, it is more friendly to scaling
02:13 and sharding and things like that.

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
00:01 So this historical description indicates that there are
00:03 a variety of different types of NoSQL databases that we've arrived at,
00:07 basically different levels or types of trade-offs that you might make
00:11 to encourage this horizontal scalable, cluster friendly type of data.
00:15 Now, if you go and look this up, what are the types of NoSQL systems
00:18 you'll see there are four distinct types,
00:21 but I think that would be four types under the not only SQL style systems
00:26 which as that my contention, that's not what NoSQL is.
00:30 So, I think there's actually three types of NoSQL databases
00:33 and then there's another thing that is not SQL; we'll talk about the four.
00:37 So at the most basic, basic level, the simplest ones are
00:41 I'm going to basically create a distributed dictionary
00:44 with id key that I can look up and some opaque blob that I can get back
00:49 so here is some thing, it could be text, it could be binary object, graph,
00:54 it doesn't really matter, store to this key
00:57 and if I ask for that key back give me the thing,
00:59 so for example, I want to store a user and all the stuff
01:03 that is associated with user into a single blob in Redis,
01:06 and when I ask for it back by user id, giving that thing back.
01:11 That means frequently these databases, these key value stores
01:14 don't let you query inside the opaque blob, even if it's text,
01:18 the idea is you query by the id, you get the thing,
01:21 but you can't easily ask it questions like
01:25 what is the average price of the order
01:28 of all the customers stored in your key value store.
01:31 Now, there are ways to add like additional metadata
01:34 that you can stick on to them, so you can sort of fake it a little bit on some of them
01:38 but in general, I can ask for the thing by a key
01:42 and I get a blob that's opaque to the database back.
01:45 Now, these are not great as databases in terms of general purpose databases
01:49 because you can't ask them a wide variety of interesting questions.
01:53 However, they are great in terms of this cluster ability
01:56 of the distributed cash type of thing there is super, super fast,
02:01 because every single query is just finally one item
02:04 by primary key and get it back to me
02:08 so if you horizontally scale that out, you can find
02:10 which key range maps to which server,
02:12 go to that server get it by id— boom, super, super fast.
02:15 So these are nice, they are often used for caches and things like this.
02:19 Next, we have what I think is the real sweet spot for NoSQL databases,
02:25 the ones that potentially could replace
02:27 traditional relational databases in your application,
02:30 that is they are flexible and powerful enough to be general purpose databases
02:35 and that's the document databases.
02:37 So this is MongoDB, CouchDB, OrientDB,
02:40 DocumentDB from Microsoft Azure, things like that,
02:43 so this is really where we going to focus
02:46 almost this entire class, so we'll come back to this.
02:49 We also have a more interesting type of database
02:52 called a columnar database, traditional relational database systems
02:56 like MySQL, Microsoft SQL server etc, store data in rows,
03:01 but a column oriented database is different
03:04 in that it stores data and its tables as columns instead of rows;
03:07 so it's in a lot of ways really similar to relational databases,
03:11 but you'll find that it's easier to kind of associate
03:14 what you might think of is like a pre-joint data,
03:16 maybe some orders, and maybe the orders have order items
03:19 and there's a bunch of those, so you might have one order
03:22 with multiple items, it's easier to group those together in a columnar database.
03:26 But they're kind of more or less like relational databases in a lot of ways.
03:30 So these I believe are the three types of NoSQL databases.
03:32 There's a fourth that often gets grouped here,
03:35 so let's talk about it— graph databases.
03:37 So graph databases let you model relationships
03:40 on many, many small interconnected things
03:44 so think of like social graphs, friends, the pictures,
03:48 the people who have shared that picture, you've liked that picture,
03:52 the friends of your friends who have liked that particular picture
03:55 you can traverse these relationships incredibly easy in graph databases
03:59 because you can actually query directly on the relationships.
04:03 Show all the things related in this way to this item and so on,
04:06 but that does not lead to this cluster friendly sort of thing,
04:09 in fact, this leads to being even more tightly connected
04:12 the less easy to map across multiple
04:15 horizontally scaled servers and things like that.
04:18 So in my mind, the graph databases are super interesting
04:21 but they're not NoSQL they're just not-SQL.
04:25 So that leaves us with three types—
04:27 key value stores, document databases and columnar databases.
04:30 So let's now continue on to talk about document databases.

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00:01 So let's talk about how document databases work.
00:04 Here's a record from my actual online training platform
00:09 chapter 1001 from 'The Python Jumpstart by Building Ten Apps' course
00:15 and this is more or less exactly what came out of the database,
00:19 with a few things taken away so it actually fits on the slide here.
00:23 Now, let's break this into two pieces here,
00:26 this green piece and the blue piece.
00:29 First of all, you can see we have json,
00:32 when you work with document databases, you'll frequently run into json
00:35 as at least the visual representation of the record.
00:40 In fact, in MongoDB it doesn't really work in terms of json
00:46 it works in something called bson or binary json,
00:50 so this binary tokenised type typefull, rich typed version
00:57 of sort of extended json but already tokenised and stored as a binary version;
01:02 this is what's transferred on the wire and to some degree
01:07 this is what stored actually in the database
01:10 so how it actually get stored is it moves around
01:13 and the database storage engines are changing
01:16 and sort of plugable now in MongoDB,
01:19 but more or less you can think of this becoming a binary thing
01:22 and then stored in the database.
01:24 When it comes over into say Python, we'll of course map this into
01:28 something like let's say a Python dictionary
01:31 or a type that has these fields and so on.
01:35 So if you look at the green area, this is just the jasonified version
01:39 of any other database record,
01:41 it has let's think of it as columns if you will for a minute
01:46 it would have columns here like one would be the id
01:49 one would be the title, one might be course id and it has values;
01:51 and that's all well and good, until we get to lectures,
01:54 and here's where the power of document databases comes in,
01:57 lectures is not just like seven, there are seven lectures or whatever
02:01 no, lectures is a list, so multiple things, and each one of those things is
02:09 a lecture, an individual one, with its individual fields
02:13 so id, title, video url, duration in seconds,
02:16 again there's actually more to it, but so it fits on screen right;
02:18 with this document database, you can think of these things
02:22 as kind of pre-computed joints, and this solves a ton of problems
02:27 and makes the NoSQL aspect of document databases super powerful.
02:31 So it makes this chapter more self contained, if I want to get this chapter back,
02:35 instead of going to the chapter and then doing a join
02:39 against the lectures and maybe some other type of join,
02:42 and you're getting a bunch of different pieces and pulling them back together
02:45 I just might do a query, find me the chapter with id 1001
02:50 bam, it's back, I've got the whole thing
02:53 and so you can think of this as like pre-joined data
02:57 if 80, 90 percent of the time I'm working with a chapter,
02:59 I care about the lecture data being there,
03:01 why not store it in a way that it's already bound together,
03:05 so I don't have to do that join,
03:07 I don't have to do multiple queries or things like this.
03:10 Okay, so this is really powerful and we'll talk a lot
03:14 about when this makes sense, when it does not make sense and so on,
03:18 but this means that if I take the single record
03:21 and I put it on some server, even if I've got like ten servers
03:25 and some sort of horizontal scale situation
03:27 and I do a query by chapter id, I don't then have to go back to the cluster
03:31 find where all the lecture data lives or anything like that.
03:34 No, it's just bringing that one record
03:36 brings most of the data that I need to work with
03:39 when I'm working with a chapter, right along with it, which is excellent.
03:43 That's the benefit, the important question the critical question to say
03:47 like is this going to work for our database system as a general thing
03:51 is well can I ask the questions that I would still have asked
03:54 if lectures was its separate table, if it was a flat table just like relational databases.
03:59 So, what if I want to find his last lecture here, 10 106,
04:06 will I be able to go to the database and say
04:08 hey document database, I would like to get lecture 10 106
04:15 and I want to do that with an index
04:17 and I want to have it basically instantaneously,
04:19 even if there's a million records, I want to instantaneously get the record
04:23 that embedded deep down within it could be many, many levels
04:27 not just one, right, but in this case it's just one;
04:30 I want to get the record that deep down within it
04:32 somewhere matches the fact that the lecture id is 10 106.
04:37 And the answer is for the document databases yes,
04:41 so this makes them very, very different
04:44 than the key value stores just doing a json blob
04:46 because we can ask these very interesting questions,
04:49 we can do map reduce or aggregation type things for big data,
04:52 analysis and analytics, all sorts of stuff is possible,
04:56 because you can actually query deeply down into these nested objects.
05:01 So that's how document databases work,
05:04 and we'll explore the when, whys and hows of designing these documents
05:08 when we get to the document design chapter.

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
00:01 Now that we've talked about what NoSQL is,
00:03 where it came from and a little bit about document databases,
00:05 let's move to focusing specifically on MongoDB.
00:10 First off, I want to point out that MongoDB is open source
00:14 so if we come down here, you can see we've got
00:18, there's actually all what are called drivers
00:23 so like how do you access MongoDB from Python, or CSharp, or Java or whatever,
00:28 and a bunch of other stuff out here on their github,
00:31 but Mongo is the actual database server.
00:33 So it's cool that it's open source, now there's a lot of things that are on github
00:38 that are technically open source, but not really active,
00:41 it's like oh that's been changed, four years ago,
00:45 and it's got 50 pull requests that haven't been
00:47 even addressed in the last six months.
00:50 That's not good; that's not the case with Mongo, obviously,
00:53 eleven thousand stars, three thousand forks,
00:55 when was the last check in— it was three hours ago, okay?
00:59 So that's really awesome, and they're fixing the build on 'Windos'
01:05 so that must be a slightly different version of Windows,
01:08 I'm just kidding, I'm sure they lost the w there
01:10 but you know, it runs on the major platforms,
01:12 Windows, Linux and MacOS, if we look over at the pull request
01:17 you can see these are only a few days old,
01:20 there's 1129 that are closed, so these are all really good signs
01:25 for MongoDB's open source site,
01:28 open source repository to be active and real,
01:31 not just it's up here, but it's a really active thing
01:35 with a huge company and hundreds of engineers working on it.
01:39 If we look at what it's made of, it's basically a C++ app,
01:43 there is a decent amount of Javascript
01:45 and there as well as we'll see Javascript is fundamental
01:48 in the raw query api and some other stuff.
01:50 Now we can get the source code here, but that's not how we get MongoDB.
01:54 So the way we get MongoDB is we go to,
01:57 and we click download and it takes us here,
02:00 so you can see there is the free community server version
02:03 and if we come over here we could get the OS10 version with ssl
02:07 we could download it just as a binary
02:10 or we could install it with home brew, that's pretty cool.
02:13 If we want to install it on Linux, let's pick something,
02:16 let's say we want to install it on Ubuntu,
02:19 okay, here is how you install it with aptitude, right
02:22 so on Windows you just get an msi and install it directly that way.
02:26 But notice, they all have ssl support, I believe there's a time
02:30 when ssl support was actually an enterprise feature or like a paid feature,
02:34 but thankfully that went away, and the community edition has this right here.
02:39 So if you get a chance, I would recommend installing it
02:42 especially on Linux from one of the package manager type things
02:46 like here with apt, because then the underlying system will know
02:50 that there's an update for your database server,
02:54 not a feature on Windows, you just have to keep track.
02:57 You can go and get the enterprise server which has an in memory version,
03:00 an encrypted at rest version, and sort of
03:04 advanced identity control features within it
03:10 but if you just want a standard database without those things
03:13 you don't care about say encryption at rest
03:16 or integration with active directory or something like that,
03:18 then the free version is totally good.

@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
00:01 Now let's look a little bit at who is using MongoDB and how.
00:04 On one hand, it's not that important that it's a popularity contest—
00:07 does it solve your problem, good, use it.
00:09 On the other, MongoDB is different, right,
00:12 it's not a relational database that people have been using for thirty years
00:15 and we call that axiom conversation, I had at the beginning,
00:18 if you are the one adopting MongoDB you have to take this idea
00:21 and present it to the people that run the business,
00:24 to your managers, to the tech team and say
00:27 hey this is a safe thing for us to do, this is a good thing for us to do.
00:30 And so, by looking at the other users of MongoDB,
00:34 how they're using it and how much data and traffic they are passing through it
00:37 can give you some really good support
00:41 like hey look it's working well for these companies,
00:43 and they're way more risk adverse than we are,
00:45 so if they can use it, we can totally use it.
00:47 So, with that in mind, let's go look at who uses MongoDB,
00:51 so they have a whole page who uses MongoDB right here,
00:54 we can flip through and there's a few major ones;
00:56 so we've got MetLife, they're doing some pretty interesting things
01:00 obviously they are a large insurance company
01:02 they have a single view of a hundred million customers
01:05 across 70 systems and they built this whole thing up on Mongo
01:07 and it's 90 days, that's pretty cool.
01:10 Expedia uses it for millions of customers
01:13 while they're looking for travel, that's great.
01:15 Now let's look at some more, you can see the scrollbar, this is actually huge,
01:19 so let's scroll down to find some interesting ones.
01:22 So let's say Royal Bank of Scotland,
01:24 this supports the bank's enterprise data services
01:26 underpinning several core trading systems,
01:29 okay that's intense, right, like if you're debating
01:32 whether or not this can do like you know
01:34 some probably not super intense
01:36 for the majority of the students part of your app,
01:38 if Royal Bank of Scotland is going to make this part of their core trading systems
01:42 that's really putting a lot of faith in it.
01:46 Biotech, they use this to accelerate their drug testing,
01:50 Facebook, they have a whole bunch of interesting things
01:52 that they're doing with Mongo, they ran like a backend as a service of Mongo
01:57 when they acquired Parse, but they're not doing platform stuff like they used to.
02:00 Now let's flip around, let's have a look at say ebay
02:03 they're doing delivering all their media metadata with five nines for liability;
02:07 Barclays, a big bank, so they've replaced
02:10 a whole bunch of relational systems there,
02:13 let's keep going, come down here to our friends in Germany,
02:15 they built a pretty amazing internet of things platform on top of MongoDB,
02:20 come down look the New York Times,
02:23 they basically did all their social sharing activity on top of MongoDB,
02:27 Business Insider, you probably run across Business Insider the website,
02:31 so they've been around since 2009,
02:34 they launched in New York city, and their whole site
02:37 runs on MongoDB, which is pretty awesome.
02:39 Speaking of business, let's look at Forbes,
02:43 they rebuilt their whole cms on top of MongoDb,
02:45 resulting in a jump of 5 to 15 percent in mobile traffic overnight, that's really cool.
02:50 So Carfax, they sell cars online and in person
02:54 so a ton of traffic happening there, that's really cool.
02:57 Cern, I love Cern, these guys at the Large Hadron Colider
03:02 they're using MongoDB to manage the data
03:06 while they're searching for the Higgs Boson
03:10 which I think this probably needs updating
03:12 because as they now have found the Higgs Boson
03:14 and won the Nobel Prize as a part of that.
03:16 Another interesting a long time user of MongoDB is Foursquare;
03:21 so Foursquare is as far as I know more or less entirely powered by MongoDB
03:26 and here you can say it powers the processing storage of all check ins
03:30 with hundreds of thousands of IOPS on MongoDB,
03:34 that's hundreds of thousands of operations, input/ output operations
03:37 per second on MongoDB, which is really, really cool.
03:40 Let's look at Sailthru, so Sailthru is like marketing email campaign company
03:46 and they store 40 terabytes of data in MongoDB across a 120 nodes
03:53 so remember we talked about document databases
03:57 and NoSQL databases in general being good for horizontal scale
04:01 and sharding and partitioning your data;
04:04 120 nodes in your cluster that's pretty intense.
04:07 All right, let's do one more, let's talk about Shutterfly,
04:10 so Shutterfly is like a photo sharing site, pretty cool,
04:15 you can like put your pictures there, sharing with people
04:18 you can get like printed books they were doing that before
04:20 some of the main companies like google were and so on,
04:22 so this is interesting in that they have a bunch of projects,
04:26 on Mongo storing over 20 terabytes of data.
04:29 Square Space, Stripe and on and on it goes, right,
04:33 all of these really cool companies are using MongoDB.
04:37 I guess one more let's look at UnderArmor here.
04:40 So Under Armour is interesting because I haven't seen
04:43 any of the previous examples explicitly calling this out;
04:46 so Under Armor is like an athletic clothing company in the US
04:49 and around the world, and their online shop is powered by MongoDB
04:54 and it does over two billion dollars in sales, so that's pretty awesome.
04:59 All right, so why do we spend all this time talking about who uses MongoDB?
05:02 One, to show you there are a bunch of companies
05:05 being really, really successful with MongoDB
05:07 and that there are different use cases,
05:10 different companies in different areas doing different things,
05:13 we saw like biotech, we saw pharma, here is e-commerce, all sorts of things.
05:18 Oh, EA, I didn't pull up EA but they're using it to power, let's go up here to EA,
05:23 so EA is using this to scale their online games to millions of players;
05:29 so all sorts of really cool and interesting use cases
05:33 that you can use to say hey, we should give this database a try
05:37 because here's a bunch of other people being successful with it.
05:40 This also means that you can rely on Mongo
05:43 because it's taken a serious beating from quite a few different angles
05:47 and use cases, it's not some barely used database
05:50 but it's highly, highly used actually.

@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
00:01 In order for you to get the most out of this course
00:03 you're going to need to fallow along.
00:05 We were talking about the Mongo shell you should open it up and play around.
00:07 When we work with PyMongo, you should pip install it
00:10 and write some code to talk to your local MongoDB server.
00:13 When we're doing MongoEngine or working with indexes,
00:15 again, you should follow along and do these things.
00:18 In order to do that, you're going to need some software,
00:20 you're going to need some starter code to get going
00:22 and you're going to need basically to have MongoDB set up and configured correctly.
00:26 So in this part of the course, let's talk about
00:28 getting your machine set up so you can follow along.
00:30 This is a course about MongoDB, so it shouldn't be
00:33 terribly surprising that it's going to require MongoDB.
00:35 Now if you look across the bottom here you can see
00:37 there is a version for Windows, Linux and MacOS.
00:40 So regardless of what operating system you are using
00:43 you should be able to use MongoDB installed locally and work with it there.
00:48 There are hosted services, places like ObjectRocket and Mlab
00:52 and if for some reason you can't install MongoDB and configure it,
00:55 unlikely, but possible, you could actually connect to one of those services.
00:59 But we're going to assume that you can set it up locally
01:01 and I will walk you through step by step
01:03 how to do that for each and every operating system below,
01:06 with the exclusion of Solaris of course.
01:08 Now, this is MongoDB for Python Developers
01:11 so it shouldn't surprise you that hey we're going to need Python,
01:13 and we're focusing on Python 3, so most new projects are created in Python 3,
01:17 it's the future of Python, so we're definitely focusing on Python 3,
01:21 that said, the things we're doing are not super specific to Python 3,
01:24 it should pretty much work across all the versions
01:27 in case you happen to be using a legacy Python.
01:29 So do you need to install Python 3?
01:31 Well that depends if you're working on Ubuntu,
01:34 you probably already have at least Python 3.5 on your system.
01:37 If you're on MacOS, by default you have Python,
01:40 but only legacy Python, only Python 2, not Python 3, so you'll need to install that.
01:44 And if you are on Windows, unless you've done something special
01:48 there is no version of Python, so make sure
01:50 you get Python 3 from, download and install it.
01:54 Now we're going to write a lot of code in here, that's good,
01:56 I think that's the way coding course should be,
01:59 and we're going to use the editor from Jetbrains called PyCharm.
02:03 In my opinion, this is the best tool for working with Python code
02:07 and you'll even have plugins for MongoDB if you go and search
02:10 their tool repository, so we're going to use PyCharm.
02:13 Now, PyCharm is available in two flavors,
02:16 there is a community free open source edition, and there's the pro edition.
02:21 If you have the pro edition, feel free to use that,
02:23 but if you don't, you can grab the community edition,
02:26 it will do everything we need for this course.
02:29 If you want to use some other editor, that's totally fine,
02:32 you can use whatever you like, but if you want to follow along exactly,
02:35 I recommend you give PyCharm a shot.
02:37 There is a couple of ways we can work with MongoDB once we have it installed,
02:40 we can use the cli the command line interface to it that comes with MongoDb itself,
02:46 or we can use something called RoboMongo.
02:49 So RoboMongo in my opinion is the best way to work with MongoDB
02:54 the idea is you can see a little dark gray area, that's basically the shell
02:58 and you can type as if that was a command line interface.
03:01 However, it operates inside this gui so you could write a little bit of cli stuff
03:05 and then go interact with the stuff visually, and this is a really, really nice balance
03:09 of giving you the full power of MongoDB, but also a lot of visual support.
03:13 I think it's super productive and is great.
03:16 You can see there's screenshots for all the three major operating systems,
03:19 so whatever operating system you use, RoboMongo is going to work great,
03:23 it's also free and it's also open source, how about that.
03:26 Finally, when we write that code with PyCharm,
03:28 you're going to want to be able to take it with you.
03:31 Sometimes you might want to grab the finish code
03:33 that you saw me create in the video and run it,
03:35 other times, we might have started not from a blank empty file
03:38 but from some sort of starter code
03:41 that got us further along in the demo from the beginning.
03:43 We also have a couple of large databases
03:46 that you want to get access to for the performance section of the course,
03:50 all those and more are contained in this github repository here,
03:53 so
03:58 so be sure right now to pause this video, go over here
04:02 and star and maybe even fork this repository so you're sure to have it with you.
04:06 And also download or clone it to your local drive,
04:10 because you're going to want to have this to work from, as you go through the course.
04:13 So there you have it, that's the software source code
04:16 and tools that were going to use. What we're going to do next,
04:18 I'm going to walk you through each operating system, Windows, MacOS, and Linux
04:21 and show you how to set up the tools and how to configure MongoDB
04:25 and get everything working just right.
04:28 If you're a Linux person, there is no reason to watch the say Windows version,
04:32 so pick the video that matches your operating system, skip the others.

@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
00:01 Here we are in windows 10, so I think this might be the anniversary update
00:05 or not sure exactly which version, but it's not the fresh one,
00:08 it's been out for quite a while now.
00:10 So what we're going to do is we're going to install MongoDB.
00:13 Let's go over here, check out, click on download,
00:17 so we're going to go and get the msi, I want to get the one with ssl x64 bit,
00:23 you put your name in here to get info from MongoDB if you want,
00:26 you don't have to; okay downloaded, let's run this, all right,
00:32 so current version of MongoDB at the time of this recording is 3.4.4
00:36 so we're going to install this, and I'll just open up the custom
00:39 complete would be totally fine, just so you can see what's there,
00:43 there's the server which is mongod itself, there's the client tools,
00:47 there is the monitoring like analysis tools,
00:50 import, export, for data backup and restore
00:53 the sharding server Mongo s and then like a few other utilities,
00:58 unless you have a good reason to not have these on your machine,
01:01 I would just go for the complete install.
01:06 All right, it looks like MongoDB is installed let's try this—
01:09 no Mongo, all right, the reason there's no Mongo is
01:14 we've got to set up this thing in our path,
01:17 so let's go over here to program files, mongodb, server, number, bin,
01:21 so basically to do anything interesting from the command line
01:25 and that's really where you want to be working with MongoDB
01:28 you're going to have to come over here
01:30 and put this into your path, so let's do that now.
01:33 You just go to properties, advanced, properties, environment variables,
01:37 this is way deep down, go to the path and hit edit, and then hit new,
01:41 this is very much nicer than the way it has been in the past,
01:44 and it will just take that path and put it here;
01:47 close everything off, ok, so now we should be able to run Mongo,
01:54 hey look it's not going to work, but we can see
01:58 it's this one that we just found and set up,
02:01 so in order for Mongo to work, we can actually try to run Mongod
02:05 and we're going to get a sad, sad message here,
02:09 so if you look somewhere it's going to say this directory
02:13 basically the database directory is not set up.
02:16 Well, there aren't default places where you can put the data
02:18 and it will actually create that, you see here is the startup settings that it's using.
02:23 So we don't want to do this, we want to actually make another one
02:28 logs and one called configs, so you get to configure all of these,
02:34 so you can configure that however you like,
02:37 but we should set up something like this
02:40 and so let's go in here, now I'm going to copy a config file over
02:44 so we have two, and notice I've named one command line and one is service,
02:49 let's just look at the command line one.
02:52 So notice, there's not a lot going on here,
02:54 I think this directoryPerDB we could actually drop this,
02:57 this is not used in the new version,
03:00 so we're basically saying drive c:\mongodb\data,
03:02 let's just double check that that does exist, it looks good up here,
03:06 c:\mongodb\data, okay, journaling enabled, you definitely want that on
03:11 and this is super important, listen on a local host only, only,
03:15 this is a dev machine there's no reason they should listen on the open internet
03:21 in case your firewall is down or you're somewhere
03:23 where people are scanning the local ports on their local network,
03:26 think hotel, something like that, so we don't want any of that to happen,
03:30 so we're going to listen on a local host only.
03:32 All right, so what we need to do now is
03:34 we want to try to run MongoDB again, now with this,
03:37 so let me go up here and copy the path,
03:43 so we should be able to run MongoDB now, let's clear that off,
03:46 so mongod and when we tried to run it before and it gave us this error,
03:50 now we can say --config is that, and if we've got everything set up correctly
03:55 this should work, there might be permissions on that mongo folder I created
03:58 we're going to find out in a second.
04:01 It looks like things are going well, let's go over here and try to connect
04:06 so we can type mongo and hey, we're in,
04:09 I can do things like show dbs what's here, perfect,
04:13 ok so it looks like this is working, it says now warning,
04:16 you don't have access control like this is wide open to the internet
04:20 and it's unrestricted read/ write, this is not the best,
04:24 it's pretty much okay because we're listening it on the local host,
04:27 still could be a problem, you might want to set up an account
04:30 when we get to the deployment and production settings,
04:33 this is, we're going to solve these problems,
04:35 but for development this is probably good.
04:37 I had that one cofig, this one that worked,
04:41 let's check this one out and make sure everything is ok as well.
04:43 So this service one is going to run
04:45 when we install MongoDB as a Windows service
04:48 so if we were running in like Windows virtual machine
04:52 in aws, ec2 or in Azure something like that,
04:56 this would be what we'd probably run, of course
05:00 with credentials and things like that, we'll talk about it at the end;
05:03 but if we're going to set this as a Windows service,
05:06 this will only succeed if we set the logs,
05:09 so that's why we created this logs folder
05:12 and that's why this service one has a system log section.
05:16 So the next thing to do, now that we're over here
05:19 is we actually want to first let's just test that,
05:23 so let's test this service version and we won't see anything because the log file
05:31 but if it just sets there, I guess we could go ahead
05:35 and test that we can connect to it— yeah, looks like that worked.
05:38 Okay so it looks like the service is working
05:43 we'll just control c out of there.
05:46 Now the next thing that we need to do, this is optional,
05:49 you don't have to do this, you could literally come and type this out every time,
05:53 but let's go ahead and set this up as a Windows service,
05:56 so you can tell it to auto start, delay start
05:58 or just flip open to the services and click go
06:01 whenever you want to use MongoDB, that's how I
06:03 whenever I'm working on windows, how I use it.
06:05 So we can go to the services,
06:11 and let's hit m to see if there is anything for Mongo,
06:13 and now there's nothing for MongoDB here, ok, so no MongoDB;
06:16 and what we want to do is we want to register MongoDB as a Windows service,
06:21 now there's something that's really, really important here,
06:24 I can run MongoDB like this,
06:28 -port equals whatever port,  --ssl and whatever,
06:35 all of the options go here, so --db path equals, we get filled this out here,
06:43 it turns out the way that MongoDB registers itself
06:47 if I try to install it as a Windows service using the explicitly passing the parameters
06:52 the only way to change those values, to change the way MongoDB works,
06:55 is to actually go and edit the registry entry in Windows, not amazing.
07:01 So what we're going to do instead, is we are going to do what we already did
07:04 we want to go to basically say run that config file.
07:07 Now, the other thing that I've seen can be really tricky
07:10 is the Windows service path might not be the same as your path
07:13 so you need to use like full path names everywhere,
07:16 so we'll say where mongod, so we want to run this explicitly
07:21 because that's what gets recorded in the Windows service,
07:24 so we're going to say that instead of just mongod,
07:27 we'll say --config and that was in c:\mongo\config\ this one,
07:36 now we've got to use the service one that has the log
07:38 and then finally, here's the trick, this is the thing,
07:42 actually this is not going to work, so I'm going to copy it,
07:45 I'll show you this not going to work.
07:47 So the trick is to say I would like to install this as a service
07:50 because it's not going to work, i'm going to copy it, so I don't have to type it again,
07:55 ready— enter, now, no errors, but if I refresh, also no MongoDB.
08:02 What happened? Well if you actually open up that log file
08:06 in there it will say permission denied, could not install MongoDB,
08:10 why— because this is not an administrator command prompt,
08:14 not root or anything like that, this is just straight up, just whatever my account is,
08:20 so I got to right click, you see these options, if you shift right click
08:24 you say run as administrator, and then you run the exact same command
08:28 and it does the exact same thing,
08:32 except in the log file, there's now a different message
08:34 if I refresh— ta-da, we have MongoDB.
08:38 So let's test this, if type mongo, trying to connect, trying to connect,
08:42 it's going to time out, right, nothing.
08:45 Now if I go over here and I press start, do the same thing again,
08:51 ta-da, now we have MongoDB set up as an auto start windows service.
08:55 That's pretty awesome right.
08:58 So if we reboot, MongoDB will run.
09:01 It might be the case that just sometimes you want to run Mongo
09:03 and the other times you don't want to it say sucking down the battery on your laptop,
09:06 you can set it to automatic delayed start, so your Windows boots faster,
09:10 and you'll still have it, or you can just set up purely to manual
09:13 in which case it's only going to run
09:15 after reboot if you come over here and click go.
09:19 So that's depending on how you use Mongo
09:23 whether you want it certainly in production
09:25 if you're on a Windows server set that to start
09:27 but maybe manual for development, I don't know,
09:30 it depends how often you use MongoDB, if you use it all time
09:32 that's all you work on is apps to talk to it,
09:34 just set it to auto start or delayed or something.
09:36 Okay, so now this Windows machine is all configured to run MongoDB,
09:41 how about PyCharm, and RobMongo and so on?
09:44 Those all have straightforward installers
09:47 so just install Python 3, Robomongo and PyCharm whichever edition you want
09:51 and just next, next, next your way through,
09:54 with the Python one make sure that you check the box
09:56 that says add Python to my path, that one is important.
09:59 Other than that, there's really nothing else to it, you'll have a machine
10:02 that is set up and ready to do this MongoDB course on Windows.

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
00:01 Let's review installing MongoDB on Windows.
00:03 It just took a couple of steps, we started out
00:05 by downloading and running the msi installer,
00:08 and then, we realized well, we don't actually have access to Mongo or Mongod
00:13 or any of the other tools from our command line, so what are we going to do—
00:17 well it turns out that it got installed into this location
00:20 and notice that the number may vary based on the released version of MongoDB,
00:24 so we went in there and we actually added that to our path;
00:27 and then we could type mongo, mongod, mongo restore
00:31 and all the various tools are going to have to use throughout the course.
00:34 And then we said all right, well this is not going to run on its own,
00:37 the way it gets installed on windows is it assumes
00:40 that there is a c data mongo or data-db,
00:43 something like that, it'll tell you on the error,
00:45 but I don't like to put stuff and just see data,
00:47 I kind of want to group stuff a little bit more
00:49 so we made some mongodb folders,
00:51 we made the c:\mongodb\data,  \logs and \configs;
00:56 so those three obviously longs go in logs, data goes in data,
00:59 and then we have those two config files that we can use to run mongodb
01:03 with all the various settings set for us.
01:06 We copied the configs over, and I'll include those in the source controle
01:11 so you guys can grab the windows setup configs
01:14 and you know, just change the path to wherever you put things;
01:17 and then you want to test those configs, so we're going to test them
01:20 by saying mongod--config and the full path to the config,
01:24 this command one is meant to have no log in, so basically it spits out
01:29 the log information to the command line to the command shell,
01:32 that way you can see what's happening.
01:34 Of course, in the service version, the service actually won't install
01:37 if there's not somewhere for the logs to go to
01:39 because it knows you're not going to see anything so it has to log it for it to work.
01:42 All right, so this is just if you want to run it on the command line,
01:45 then we're going to install it as a windows service,
01:48 so this time we use the mongo-service config,
01:51 which is basically the same, other than having a log in
01:53 and we added the --install, okay.
01:57 And it was really important that we run that command prompt
02:01 as an administrator not as a regular user
02:03 otherwise it doesn't have access to alter the service configuration in windows.
02:08 All right, once this was all done, we went to the service config,
02:11 we pressed start and then we're good to go.
02:14 Final thing you might want to do, adjust the startup mode to manual,
02:18 depending on whether you want mongodb to start every time you turn on windows
02:22 or only when you click the button in the service panel.

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
00:01 Here we are on a relatively new Mac, you can see that this is MacOS  seirra,
00:06 so relatively new, and if I come over here and I type Mongo,
00:10 no there is no MongoDB installed here.
00:13 So what are we going to do— we're going to install and set up MongoDB,
00:17 so those of you who use MacOS, like I do, you'll see that this is actually
00:21 the easiest of all the various operating systems to set up. Let's do it.
00:25 So we're actually going to start out at Homebrew,
00:30 now you may have Homebrew installed which is awesome,
00:32 and you can just run brew update, but if you don't
00:34 then you're going to need to run this command;
00:37 so we're going to run a script pass it off the ruby,
00:40 this is going to install Homebrew and if I hit enter,
00:43 it's going to go do this, this one time it needs my password
00:46 to make changes to the system, but in general,
00:51 you should not sudo run Homebrew, it even warns you if you do that I believe.
01:00 Okay, I get the little ding, it looks like everything is all set up.
01:04 So now if I type brew, yeey, stuff happens.
01:07 So the next thing that I want to do is actually install MongoDB,
01:10 so brew install mongodb,
01:21 and just like that, after 15 seconds, 20 seconds something to this effect,
01:25 it says MongoDB is all set up.
01:28 Now before I clear this and just run it, notice there's a couple of things,
01:31 it tells us right away, right here how we get started,
01:34 we can either run MongoDB as a service,
01:36 and if I do this without sudo, it's going to run this as a service any time I log in,
01:42 if I do it with sudo, it's going to basically do this
01:44 as part of the machine startup, shut down,
01:47 or I can just run MongoDB like so.
01:49 So let's go ahead and set this as a service,
01:52 it takes a moment and now it's up and running.
01:58 So how do we know whether it's running?
02:01 Well first of all, if I type mongo, it has something there, it has an app there right
02:04 you can see 3.4.4 is the one at the time of this recording,
02:08 and now it's connected and there's a few warnings here about access control,
02:11 this is worth considering, if this was a production machine
02:16 I would be quite concerned about this, it's my developer machine, so I'm not.
02:22 Let me show you why I'm not.
02:24 Okay, so if we exit out of here, the other way that we could run MongoDB
02:28 it's already running, so this isn't going to work again,
02:31 but we could run it passing this config file,
02:33 but what's interesting is, check out this config file
02:36 so if we go look at that, it has just a few things for us,
02:39 it tells us where the log file is going, good for system services,
02:43 where the data is going, and most importantly,
02:48 it's listening only one local host,
02:53 I don't know what my public ip address is or I have both the ipv6 and ipv4,
02:57 MongoDB is not listening to either of them,
03:00 moreover, I also have my firewall turned on as much as possible,
03:04 believe it or not, it is not turned on on MacOS by default
03:08 that is super, super suspicious to me.
03:10 But anyway, firewall's on, and we're not even listening on the public network interface.
03:15 So do not change that, make sure that you are listening on only local host
03:20 or that authentication warning, that's going to have a whole different meaning.
03:23 When we get to the actual deployment section, where we deploy to production
03:27 we're going to set up users, we're going to set up ssl,
03:29 we're going to set up authentication, all of those kinds of things, among others,
03:32 but for now, for the devmachine, I think listening on local host
03:36 is probably sufficient for what we're doing.
03:39 So this MacOS is ready to take the class.
03:43 The other things we would need to do, is install PyCharm, install RoboMongo,
03:47 and do we have Python 3— we do, we have Python 3 installed,
03:53 I believe I actually already installed that earlier on this virtual machine.
03:58 So you're going to want to make sure you have Python 3 installed,
04:00 RoboMongo, and PyCharm, they all have super simple installers
04:03 that's basically either drag and drop or double click
04:06 and follow the next button and you'll be all done.
04:08 Then the machine will be completely ready to take this class.

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
00:01 We're going to use homebrew, if you don't like homebrew
00:04 you can actually download a tarball and unzip it and set up all the stuff
00:07 but homebrew is much better on a couple of levels,
00:11 so make sure you have homebrew and that you update it,
00:14 and then to install, we're just going to install homebrew
00:17 and then we just brew install MongoDB,
00:19 wait about 20 seconds for it to do its magic,
00:22 we're going to start up MongoDB, there's two ways to do that
00:24 we could say brew services start monogodb
00:27 and that will actually register it as a system service
00:30 that starts every time you log in;
00:32 if you don't want to do that, you don't want to start it this way, it's fine
00:34 you can say mongodb--config and point at the config file.
00:38 If you want to make any changes, well, there's the config file
00:40 you can just edit that with whatever editor you like,
00:43 and you can change the security, you can change the ports,
00:46 whatever you want to change about MongoDB
00:48 just change this file, and stop and then start the service,
00:52 or just cancel out running this mongod command, and then run it again.
00:56 Final thing is, if you brew service start mongodb
00:59 and it's going to continue to autostart, if for some reason you want it to stop,
01:02 I believe it makes a file, a plist file, and it puts it in your home directory
01:07 for your user account in /library/launch/agents/ something involving mongodb,
01:13 so you can just delete that file I believe and that will stop it.

@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
00:01 Are you taking this class using your Linux desktop?
00:03 Well, let's get your machine all set up and configured with MongoDb.
00:07 So here we are just on the homepage,
00:10 I am going to go click download, and it's totally possible to click and say
00:16 download the tarball, but we could also say I would like to see
00:19 how to set this up on let's say Ubuntu, as you change this,
00:23 notice different things happen, so if we go to Amazon
00:27 it says here are instructions for installing with yum, that's the package manager there,
00:31 if I go to Ubuntu, so here's the instructions for installing with aptitude,
00:34 so we're going to go over here to that one,
00:36 make sure you pick the right distribution, do we want to read this— no.
00:40 So there's a couple of steps that we need to go through
00:43 and they're pretty simple, most importantly they just like walk us through it
00:47 so notice here that there is a package named
00:52 let's try to just install that, sudo apt install that,
01:00 oh it needs my password, okay, and nope, there's no mongodb,
01:05 darn, doesn't it say right here, here's how you install all the pieces?
01:08 It is true, but we got to go through a few steps to get there.
01:11 So first thing that we got to do is basically add a source to aptitude,
01:16 so we're going to go over here, and we're going to set a key,
01:19 so you're just going to go through a few copy paste steps,
01:21 so we're going to do our apt key here, it takes a moment,
01:26 and all right, that's all good, next thing to do
01:28 is we're going to create a list file, all right, great.
01:34 Be really careful about the version numbers here,
01:38 later is probably better, pick the one that matches yours.
01:40 So the next thing we need to do, is run a sudo apt update
01:44 and you can do apt.get or just apt, whatever
01:47 but you need to tell it hey, go pull all the sources
01:50 now the new one included and just have that list there.
01:53 We don't need to back up anything, so go away.
01:58 Alright, now everything is registered, we're pointing at the right package source,
02:02 we've updated it, now we can go over here and do
02:05 our thing that we tried to do originally.
02:08 So we wanted a sudo apt installed,
02:14 this time it knows what that means, hey look that's mongodb,
02:18 mongos which is a sharding server, mongo server, mongo shell, mongo tools,
02:22 I am just going to install them all.
02:29 Perfect, okay, so we have MongoDB all set up and ready to go,
02:35 and now we can just type mongo, and it tries to connect,
02:40 we have mongo now but we really need to start it.
02:51 So we started up mongod, great, now we can connect to it.
02:56 Awesome so it has some warnings again about access control
02:59 when we get to the deployment chapter,
03:02 we're actually going to set up Ubuntu as a cloud server
03:05 with some of these errors removed,
03:07 we're going to set it up with access control, with authentication,
03:10 with firewalls, all sorts of things, but for now, for the dev version,
03:13 we're going to just use this, okay.
03:16 So it looks like it's up and running, that's cool,
03:19 now the last thing is maybe we want to configure our server;
03:22 so, we can come over here to /etc/mongod/conf
03:30 and you can see we've got our storage path,
03:33 like here's where our data files are going to go, change that if you like,
03:36 journaling, you generally want that on,
03:38 it's going to be running with wired tiger,
03:41 it is an older style of database storage engine called this mmapv1,
03:45 that's how things used to work, they've switched the default to wired tiger
03:49 because it's faster, I believe it's much faster for inserts a little faster for reads,
03:53 here's where the log file goes, if it's not working and you want to see what's going on.
03:58 So most importantly though is this bit right there, this bindIp.
04:02 So the bindIp is set to, we should have our firewall turned on anyway,
04:08 we shouldn't be exposing this port, but we're only listening on the local host,
04:13 I think this machine actually right now has two ip adresses,
04:16 one public ipv6 and one net ipv4 ip address,
04:21 but it's not listening on either of them because of this, right.
04:24 So it's super important that this is here,
04:27 otherwise if someone can get to this port on your machine
04:30 and you don't set up authentication, bad things happen.
04:33 All right, so make sure this is here,
04:36 and only change that on your staging servers
04:38 and other things where you control the network, much more carefully.
04:41 Again, we'll talk way more about this in the deployment section
04:44 but for now, this should do for our development environment.
04:47 The other things we'll have to do is we want to set up a RoboMongo,
04:50 we want to set up PyCharm, and we want to make sure
04:54 that we have Python 3 on here, I believe we do, 3.5.3 is more than late enough,
05:00 so we don't need to install any Python,
05:02 but be sure to get RoboMongo and PyCharm,
05:05 whichever version you want set up so that you can follow along.

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
00:01 Let's quickly review how we installed MongoDB on Linux.
00:04 So the easiest way to do this is just go
00:07 go to the download button and pick in the little drop down your distribution
00:12 and that way you can copy along.
00:14 Here's what we copied and ran,
00:16 so we visited the Ubuntu setup page at
00:19 that's what I just described, and then we ran add key
00:22 so they said look we're going to trust
00:25 this particular source that we're about to give you,
00:28 and then we said I'd like to go to the repo at
00:32 and set up this, basically pointed at this package store here.
00:38 And then, we're going to update, don't forget this step,
00:42 make sure you update your local listing by pulling from all of the sources,
00:45 and then we're going to apt install mongodb-org,
00:49 and that will take all of the tooling and servers and client stuff;
00:52 if you only want one of them, just the sharding server
00:55 or just the server component, you can absolutely just install that piece,
01:01 we saw like listed on that first page I described
01:04 that there's actually this mongodb-org,
01:07 it's kind of a meta package of four other smaller packages.
01:10 And then at the start we just say service mongod start,
01:14 if you want to change a configuration it's at etc/mongod.conf.
01:19 Change that, just restart the service and it should pick up the changes right away.